May 16, 2005 10:46
holy camoly! it's been a long time since i updated. that's what "cats" does. it ruins peoples livejournals. what a shame. so in case you guys haven't noticed, i've decided that i am no longer going to add capital letters, unless it's a paper for school or some shizznit like that. i feel that capitals just require more work for my delicate little fingers, and i'm so tired that i need to save all the energy that i can. werd. we just had the opening weekend for "cats", and it went pretty awesome. no one expected it to be as good, no, as amazing as it was. i have a new appreciation for that musical, now that i have been in it.
i just got a call last night about 42nd street. i auditioned for it a week ago, and they called last night to tell me that i got the lead. super duper. i miss all those people, and i wish the people who aren't doing it would. because that would make me so happy.
a higher call is in the studip right now, recording a 6-song demo. that's pretty sweet on a count of that's what people will listen to when they decide if we can play at their lovely venue or not. i say lovely because it is a good word to describe the fact that we won't play anywhere that isn't... lovely.
one more week of cats, then my social life can resume. that means, i will have weekends again. and even some weekdays. that's great.
i still haven't picked my monologue for my jury at the academy. it's the end of the year "exam", and mine is june 7th. werd.
ok everyone, that's all the updating i feel like doing, especially since no one probably reads this anymore... i hadn't thought of that. whatev.