1. I applied for about 1,000,000 jobs exactly tonight. I've been applying for jobs since September and I'm starting to get pissed.
2. Kurt Halsey is coming out with a new hoodie. It's too cutesy for my taste and I posted that in the official KH lj community (which he actively participates in) and he responded to my comment saying that he was going to make a leaves shirt just for me!! How fucking amazing is that?! I LOVE KURT. Obviously it's not going to be "just for me" but I think it's kickass that he is going to do my idea. I'm really excited about this. It'll match my KH fall leaves scarf from '05.
comment thread 3. One of Rays friends from high school committed suicide. I am so.. idk. Like his one friend was murdered last year, then his uncle commits suicide, and now this. I feel so bad for him. I want to like do stuff to cheer him up but I don't want to appear insensitive. Like.. this sucks. It sucks real fucking bad and I don't know what to do for him. I mean he knows I'm there for him but I feel like I should be doing something. I don't know. Things like this just knocks me flat because I've never had to deal with anything like this. All the deaths I've experienced were when I was really young and it didn't really affect me that when someone "died" they were gone forever. I just didn't get it and now that I'm older, it just blows my mind. I haven't had to deal with anything like that personally. It's always through Ray and I hate that. When we first met his grandma passed away and I remember being really uncomfortable at the funeral just because I hadn't been to one since my teacher died when I was in 4th grade. I felt weird looking at her in the casket plus thr "preacher" or whoever was just a moron. He mentioned that she was a card shark like 50 times and that she was "ill-educated" because she didn't go to school when she was young, and he compared her life to a Nike commercial saying "Just do it." a lot (by the way he said Nike wrong, he pronunced it "NIGHK" no "e" sound at the end). He kept quoting from the Bible saying how everyone needed to save themselves and I felt like screaming at him. Like.. it was a funeral for a person NOT some Sunday morning seminar. Later he was at Rays aunts house for food and he kept giving me dirty looks, which pissed me off even more. UGH, anyways.. way off track here. It just sucks and I don't know how to deal with it.
4. Cooking Mama Cookoff 2 came out yesterday T_T. I WANNNNNTTT ITTTT!! You have no idea how much fun those games are. wii CMC2 = ♥ I have become the kitchen master, for real. Ray bought me this game called Order Up! because I had completely beat every part of CMC1 and Order Up! was so dumb. You're a fast food chef and it's lame. I like CMC because you're in a cute little Japanese kitchen with you're cute little cooking utensils and the constant cheer of "WOOOOOOOON-DUU-FUUU" (aka wonderful but with japanese accent). "Betta than MAMA!!" lol Oh my me. I can't wait to play it. wiggle.
5. I really want to watch Beauty and the Beast but our VHS copy has gone missing. I remember watching it in my room but I've rearranged my room twice since then. PLUS it's not with my dvds and vhs tapes. It's not with all the other original Disney vhs tapes or in the 5 vhs tape units we have. This makes me really sad. It's my all time favorite Disney movie and I can't find it!! I want it to come out of the vault again so I can friggin buy it on DVD. (Speaking of Disney DVDS my collection has GROOOWN: The Little Mermaid, Robin Hood, The Lion King(1, 2, and 1 1/2), Sleeping Beauty, The Aristocats, 101 Dalmations, The Jungle Book, Aladdin (1, 2, and 3), Peter Pan, Pocahontas, The Emperor's New Groove, Brother Bear, Monsters Inc., Toy Story (1 and 2), Ratatouille, Meet The Robinsons, Finding Nemo, Pixar Short Film Collection 1, Howl's Moving Castle, and Spirited Away.)
6. My current knitting
Fingerless gloves. These pictures were taken last night. I started the thumb shaping a few hours ago. I can't wait to wear them. I've decided to make an "autumn theme" pair too.
7.I watch waaaaaaay too much TV. Seriously. My DVR records Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty, Gossip Girl, Rock Of Love Charm School, Privileged, The Hills, America's Next Top Model (at least it was, tonight was the season finale), SpongeBob SquarePants, Family Guy, Real Chance of Love, The Janice Dickenson Modeling Agency (ended), Project Runway (ended), Sex and the City (reruns), The L Word (reruns), Knitty Gritty, and Paris Hilton's My New BFF. Those are all I can think of :/. DON'T JUDGE ME! I love stupid drama filled reality shows, I know.
8. This makes me want to pee myself.THE BOONDOCK SAINTS II: ALL SAINTS DAY I watch all the videos that Troy Duffy posts. I wanna lick Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus skin off. For realz. While looking at all all 119 fan tattoos (one of them being MINE!) on the official Boondock Saints myspace page, I got inspired for a chest piece. I can not WAIT to get it. Saint for life.
9. Laura and Tara came over tonight to watch the season finale of Americas Next Top Model. Stupid McKey won. She was my least favorite. I hated her face and thought Sam or Analeigh would've been better. Tyra likes to do that to me though. We read short stories that Laura was revising for class. We read one about a WOLFGAURD and another was.. about.. 13 sizes shoe. lmao.. no, not really.. it was hilarious because this girl is a horrible writer. She wrote things like "jail sale" instead of cell and "shoe of 13 sizes" instead of size 13 shoe. It was just ridiculous with characters named Heaven and Clyde. Oh goodness it was entertaining. I know I'm not the best writer in the world. I'm horrible with spelling and I overuse punctuation, but her stories were just.. bad.