1) Please download only one song at a time.
2) Please do not post these links elsewhere!!
3) Comment when you download =)
4) Requests are accepted =O. Check out our playlists in our info.
5) Songs are for sampling only. If you like something, please support the artists.
Sites such as
CD Japan and
Yes Asia are good sites for this.
I wasn't planning on making my own winter song post, but at the request of a visitor, I decided to compile this collection here. Hope everybody has a happy and safe holiday! There probably won't be any updates until our annual New Year's post, so drop by then to see what our favourites of 2007 were. =)
Artist : BoA
Title : Candle Lights
Language : Japanese
Album/Single : MADE IN TWENTY(20), Winter Love (single)
This isn't quite the obvious winter song. It doesn't even sound wintery at all, but here it is because it is winter related (but in reality, I didn't want to post "Winter Love" because it's been everywhere). "Candle Lights" has a very smooth sound with a tinge of R&B to it, and I like the guitar parts (that ironically aren't R&B sounding at all). Anyway, it's a fairly enjoyable tune for the winter.
Artist : 倉木麻衣 (Kuraki Mai)
Title : Winter Bells
Language : Japanese
Album/Single : Wish You The Best, FAIRY TALE, Winter Bells (single)
Megumi likes this song, and so do I. It's one of the better upbeat winter songs out there. It's very cute, but it has a very wintery feel to it anyway. It kind of reminds me of the fun carols that we sang in school when I was a kid.
Artist : melody.
Title : Do you hear what I hear?
Language : English
Album/Single : Crystal Love (single)
This isn't exactly a "Japanese" winter song, but it is sung by a Japanese artist. I love melody.'s rendition of this carol, on top of that, this carol is amazing to begin with. It's definitely one of my favourites. I love the harmonies and melody.'s voice in this version as well. It's absolutely stunning.
Artist : 中島美嘉 (Nakashima Mika)
Title : 雪の華 (Yuki no Hana)
Language : Japanese
Album/Single : BEST, LOVE, Yuki no Hana (single)
I think by now, all versions of this song have been covered (with exception of the instrumental), so I hope you're all satisfied with this song! ^_^ One of Mika's most popular ballads, it has a gentle, but gorgeous melody with a lovely piano accompaniment to go with it. Eventually it builds up for a very powerful finish. One of the best.
Artist : WaT
Title : ボクラノ Love Story (Bokura no Love Story)
Language : Japanese
Album/Single : WaT Collection, Bokura no Love Story (single)
I like this ballad from the recently reunited duo. It literally has jingle bells right at the beginning that establish the wintery mood of this love ballad right away. I find both Wentz and Teppei's singing to be much stronger there than some of their other songs, so not only is the song lovely, they sound pretty good too.
Requests -
1) Only one request per person please!
2) Don't request again until your previous request is fulfilled please!
3) Don't request songs that have been posted within the last two posts.
4) Try to refrain from asking me for songs that aren't on my playlist (although, if you want to try your luck you may, just don't depend on it).
5) I may refuse to post any song at any time, for any reason.
My PlaylistLast Updated: December 21, 2007