This made my heart skip a beat and as I've been obsessively looking through these pictures my smile has gotten bigger and bigger. I think I even lifted up off of my chair for a moment. I hope someone else finds this magical...
Glass wing butterflies. and I found this on a blog...
A butterfly with transparent wings is rare and beautiful. As delicate as finely blown glass, the presence of this rare tropical gem is used by rainforest ecologists as an indication of high habitat quality and its demise alerts them of ecological change. Rivaling the refined beauty of a stained glass window, the translucent wings of the glasswing butterfly shimmer in the sunlight like polished panes of turquoise, orange, green, and red. Native to Columbia, Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador, the glasswing butterfly is usually observed feeding or flying high in the subcanopy of the tropical forest in the Andes Mountains. Members of the species, scientifically classified as Godyris duillia, frequently inhabit elevations of approximately 1,400 meters. Most of the butterflies are large and feature colorful transparent wing panels, but some specimens are a beautiful smoky brown. Well adapted to the Andean climate and elevation, glasswing butterflies seem incessant in their zigzagging pursuit of flower nectar. Members of the species do not like to rush their meals and may spend hours on a single flower bloom while nectaring. A particular favorite of adult glasswing butterflies is the flowering jungle cucumber vine. Glasswing caterpillars, however, are not such dainty eaters. The larvae rapaciously munch on the leaves of plants, including the deadly nightshades, oleanders, and dogbane. From the poisonous food plants, the glasswing larvae gather toxic alkaloids, which make them unpalatable to predators. As human populations grow, butterfly populations tend to shrink. Thus, the future of the exotic glasswing butterfly is uncertain. As part of the growing international trade of butterflies, specimens are often taken from the wild, but may also be cultivated for sale on butterfly ranches. Intensive farming with agrochemicals and increased ranching in the Andes greatly threaten the glasswing species and its associates. Other activities that make room for man, such as extensive logging and coal mining, also devastate the crucial habitat of the glasswings.
[photo removed due to some photographer being a pompous douche because apparently it was copywrited and other LJ people were "stealing" it. but it was the best one.]
Here are some more. And while I am at it this is pretty freaky:
Super Close Up Insects. That first one looks like a muppet. THAT is what life is all about, my friends.