I'm making more icons and layout for the site. Yay!
Survey time.
1.) Are you male or female?:
"Seventeen years and all that he gave was a daughter"
Something Corporate - Me and the Moon
2.) Describe your state:
"There's chemicals in the clouds"
Something Corporate - Straw Dog
3.) How do you look?:
"Scent of sex and New Found Glory playing as she's pulling back her hair."
SoCo - I Wanna Save You (Okay, I don't smell like sex but I don't smell fantastic either.)
4.) If you could say something to the person you like, what would it be?:
"It's always you in my big dreams"
SoCo - Konstantine
5.) Where do you wish you were right now?
"Home, is this a place where you should be alone?"
SoCo - Space
6.) What would you say to your best friend?:
"Did you make it home in time to masturbate?"
SoCo- If U C Jordan (that's a looong story).
7.) Any words of wisdom:
"I guess today's gonna blow us away"
SoCo - 21 and Invincible.
8.) What do you wish you were doing right now?:
"Let's get drunk you can drive us to the harbor."
SoCo - Down (I just came back from the docks but I wish I was still there).
9.) What do you think of drugs and alcohol?:
"Maybe when the room is empty, maybe when this bottle's full."
SoCo - Heroine (aka Punk Rock Princess)
10.) If you could say one thing to your enemy, what would it be?:
"You make me sick."
SoCo - If U C Jordan.
11.) What do you usually do on Friday nights?:
"What do you say we go for a ride, what do you say we get high?"
SoCo - Me and the Moon
12.) Are you for world peace?:
"If I'm talking, my words are walking, and deaf ears they've fallen on."
SoCo - Forget December
13.) What do you think about school?:
"High school's over"
Something Corporate - If U C Jordan. [It's out for the summer 0:)]
14.) How do you feel right now?:
"Got the Ferris Bueller Blues"
SoCo - Babies of the 80s
15.) Any closing words?:
"I want to hang on to something that won't break away or fall apart, like the pieces of my heart."
SoCo - Globes and Maps.
Gender: Miss America
Age: 21 and Invincible.
Location: Somebody Got Murdered
Matrial status: Remote Control
Hair color: Straw Dog
Hobby: Globes and Maps
What you ate for breakfast: Only Ashes (tee hee)
What your friends call you: Drunk Girl
Clothing style: Not What It Seems
What people say when they see you dance: I Won't Make You