Mar 29, 2005 18:03
havn't updated in a while os here goes. Well it's Spring Break biatchh! And i'm stuck in Michigan with nothing too amazing to do... I went shopping 3 days so far and got loads of kool clothes : ) I got my holla-stur fix finally with a pretty tan shirt, white polo, and white mini. White skirt from Banana Republic and coral skirt from Nordstrom top it off. I will never need new skirts again. Well, at least for a long time ; )
Today I babysat 4 little schnookums who I havn't sat for in a loong time. Actually the lady had a baby last yr (on my b-day!) and I finally met him today. He had leukemia which was sad to find out, but now he is alright because his brother was a bone marrow doner for him. Touching story, eh? Well I sat from 7:30am till 4 and the kids were good....but um.........i didn't get paid? Kinda strange. I've sat for them many times before and their cool people so i dno maybe they forgot?? I'm not one to say something but i'll see if they realize it.. hahah...
Soooo umm i don't have too much to say..... If you havn't got Annie Get Your Gun tickets yet get them! And come cheer for me!! lol shutup I know i'm a nerd.
Anybody want to go out cell it because chances are i won't be all too busy till friday!
I have a newly formed crush.....on the guy whose the new Bachelor......he is truly...a hunk of burning love.