Sep 26, 2006 21:50
no more late nights. no more staying back in school till we get shooed out by the duty attendants. no more doing art and not studying when exams are the day after. no more hogging humongous cardboard folder home, and hitting people in buses. no more pointless waiting for the stupid computer that hangs when you open photoshop. no more wasting double-sided tape and trying to paste feverishly. no more planning 8 pages. no more splitting headaches! no more extreme exhaustion and no more getting cut and poked by pen knives and needles. no more wasting three sets of cartridges to print out coursework. no more cutting paper, pasting cloth and cutting paper again (repeated 3423148134351345 million times). no more pinning 3423148134351345 million pieces of fabric together. NO MORE SEWING 3423148134351345 million pieces of fabric together. no more having to deal with psycho printer and the ink finishing. no more manic laughter when we get all stressed up. no more getting told off by choo for my laughter. no more having to chope tables just so i can do work. no more garments. no more sewing machine cluttering up the study. no more threads and no more fabric. no more talk shows. no more singing along to cheesy songs on the radio. no more cluttered tables and no more hiding in the store room. no more stale coffee smell. no more wonky fans. no more dirty art hands. no more misusing the paper cutter and stealing nice paper. no more setting up and getting frustrated by lack of necessary equipment. no more "FAAAARAAAAH i want to see your dress!" no more disapproving sideward glances from mrs more funny remarks from choop. no more blunt remarks from mr dan. no more commotion. most of all, no more idiosyncrasies and erratic behaviour to make me feel better that we were going through it together. no more art room; no more, us.
it's always a cliche, mentioning that the process matters more than the outcome. i've never been able to relate to that statement, till now.
the artistiques '06