Jul 11, 2006 23:22
strange day it was today. a complex set of emotions that i can't distinguish. overwhelmed by the tide of events that has happened lately. undeniably, one of which - certainly, of course - has to be COLDPLAY'S TWISTED LOGIC CONCERT. the day was 10 July 06.
if ever, in years to come, i were to suffer from amnesia, i would dearly like to be able to remember this day. if i were to hold on to one specific memory of euphoria and an undying, unfading bliss where nothing could stop me from walking on air, this would be it; unquestionably. frankly, there are no words i could possibly say that would be able to properly reflect what i felt (and still am feeling!!!). i can't find the exact words that could describe yesterday; except probably that it was ONE OF THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE AND I WANT TO FOREVER REMEMBER ALL OF IT.
all of it. from the stage, to the flood lights, strobe lights, lasers and well, LIGHTS IN GENERAL! to the smooth, raw, and tingling voice from MARTIN, the mad strumming from JONNY, WILL'S manic display with the drums and GUY'S quiet reverie with his bass. THESE FOUR are simply oozing with superbly ridiculous amounts of TALENT! Martin is beyond amazing. the way he worked the crowd when he thumped his piano with emotion and gyrated exuberantly on the chair made me have an entirely new outlook on how one plays the piano. his raw rhythmic high voice, coupled with the amazing performance from the rest of the band made it a highly hypnotising experience. a total one-hundred percent WORTH IT.
the band sounds even better live, and that, may i say, is not an easy feat! Martin's voice is simply magic and the way he cheekily twists the rhythm of certain songs brought a whole new flavour and a sense of freshness and spontaneity. his crazy boyish antics on stage and gaiety made the audience wild. the epitomy of a singer who sings with emotion and expression. there is just something about his voice that tugs painfully at your heartstrings and there were moments where i simply stood in wonder and amazement at that man. Fix You, 'Til Kingdom Come and Swallowed in the Sea were achingly beautiful and made my eyes sting. the entire stadium practically roared in agreement when they sang the favourites In My Place and The Scientist. there were moments when the entire stage dimmed except Chris and the piano, thrust under the glow of the spotlight. He serenaided the entire crowd and there was utter and complete silence as all of us were left in wonderment at his voice and emotional performance. and it was during those moments, i thought i could conquer the world; as childish as that may sound. it really does that to you.
i can easily rattle on and on about this band, but, there are certain things that are best left unsaid and better lived through. there's only so much one can say, right?
The other stuff is nice when it happens, but it's not what we're doing it for. We want to make something that moves us when we hear it. Because after all the hype and awards and whatever, that's all music is.
---chris martin, coldplay