So, I spent the night with Lauren again. Fun fun. We were going to stay up all night like we did last night, but we didn't. I went to bed around 2, I don't know when she went to bed. It was really fun though. We watched Viva La Bam and Wildboys. :) Bam is so HOT!
I wonder how me and Lauren met. Well, I knew she rode my bus and was OBSESSED with Korn. Because one day I sat across from her, and I saw on her binder KORN and I LOVE JONATHON DAVIS. Then, my friend Merranda was over and Lauren came to my house for some odd reason. She took me outside and asked where Pedro lived. Now how the hell was I supposed to know where Pedro lived? Well, she told me about Pedro and I guess he thought I was hot or something...yeah I dunno. But anyways, how did we get this far? We spend the night over eachothers house practically everyday. When did I first start going to her house? Hmm..
Oh yes...Me and Pedro go out now. I finally found myself a boyfriend!! hehehehehe. I'm supposed to hang out with him today but it's already 1:05 and I'm still in my PJ's. Oh well. Lauren asked me what website I went to for her Lauren and Jonathon page, I think she wants to make and Anti Beaners page....