Mar 14, 2004 12:39
I saw Cody! OMFG!! He grew is hair out!! woooo. He looks adorable! I gave him a hug when he came. I wish I would have seen Brandon too. But oh well, Cody was enough to fulfill my day! tee-hee. I went to the mall yesterday and I got a lot of new clothes. yippers. And I made a new word!! Fagish! The definition: 1.Clothes that are *too* stylish for guys 2.Clothes that are just too ugly for words 3.A person who bugs the hell outta me. :) Me and Lauren are going to the movies later on! I have no idea what we were gonna see. I LOVE BRAND NEW! lol, I'm listening to them and...I could just die. I get this funnt feeling in the pit of my stomach, like there butterflies in there. Kind of like when I kiss someone special...I don't know why but I just get that way when I listen to them. Well anyways, me and Lauren are watching The Cat In The Hat again. yay! That movie was funny!! I had a great dream last night...I made out with some hot ass dude. Oh...he was hot hot hot. lol. Kind of a mixture between Josh and that guy I saw at the mall. Wow...he was hot. I just wanted to fall right back asleep and have that dream again. Those dreams happen very rarely. He was hot. Okay that's enough...Jake kept calling me yesterday. I really wanna go to his house today but it's rainy outside. :( tear. I probably will go though. *Hope this is the last time* I love Fall Out Boy. They're awesome! Which reminds me I'm going to the Warped Tour!! woot woot! And I might see Korn too, Lauren really wants me to go, Snoop Dog is gonna be there. Ugh. Wow, they must have sunken really low to have Snoop Dog go on tour with them. Well anyways, I wanna go because The Used is gonna be there! wee!! Okay...well I think I'm done now.