Why was I rejected for membership?
There are a variety of reasons. A lot of members are turned down because their journals are too new and a good portion of rejections are due to the fact that many applicants do not read all of the community rules. Please do not e-mail the community account or the mods personally asking why you were rejected. You can always reapply later on if you still want to join.
If you are having a problem with a fellow member or want to pass on information without posting it for the entire community you may e-mail fake(dot)ljers(at)gmail(dot)com.
tomguy and myself are the two with access to the e-mail account. If neither of us respond to your e-mail chances are it was bounced to the junk folder. If we do not respond to your e-mail within one week, please comment here with your issue. All comments will be screened.
If you have been banned from the community and would like to rejoin, you may e-mail the account. Depending on what lead to your removal, we'd be glad to have you back!
If you are still having problems you may comment
here in my LJ.