"Moisture is the essense of wetness, and wetness, is the essense of beauty"

Jul 21, 2004 21:38

I took this from Christine : salt4yourwound

Full Name --: Dante Tolomei
Nick Names --: none
Birthdate --: April 14
hair color --: brown (dyed black)
height --: 4'8''
sex --: yes please
town --: Santa Clara
state --: California
who do you live with? --: madrae....and father

::-love life-::
have a crush? --: Yeah, i guess.
if so on who: soooomeone
boyfriend?? --:no
girlfriend?--: no
are ya a virgin? --: Maybe and maybe not.
if not how old were you?: 7
how many times have you done it?: 189.

current taste --: empty stomach.
current music --: none
current drink --: cranberry juice
current best friend --: I have 2 i think
current wanting --: "Seriously! Do you like service yourself 10 times a day??!"
currently watching --: 'Zoolander'
current annoynce --: Zelda : Ocarina of Time.

favorite food --: don't know
favorite drink --: dont know
favorite ice cream --: dont know
favorite band --: AFI...or Bright Eyes..probably AFI more
favorite singer --: Davey Havok ...or Conor Oberst
favorite boy band --:
favorite tv show --: The Simpsons, Family Guy
favorite movie --: Reservoir Dogs, Ghost World, Steve Buscemi movies, and Zoolander. And fight Club, and Royal Tenebaums...
favorite song --: Any AFI song(s), or The Calander Hung Itself
favorite fruit --: ???
favorite store --: dont know
favorite mall --: dont know...i only go to valley Fir. but i dont like the mall
favorite pet --: frog
favorite sn --: dantexxxcore. but all the people i hated knew it, so i didnt want to be bugged anymore, so i changed it.

last kiss --: don't remember.
last tv show watched --: CSI
last time at the mall --: dont remember.
last person huggeed --: Megan.
last person kissed --: dont remember
last word said --: quoting Zoolander!
last thing typed --: "xFogSurroundsxxx (10:02:49 PM): its so funny how he says "JESUS!" "
last curse word said --: dont remember.
last crush --: For me to know.
last time out --: never.
last person seen with you --: Adam.

::-this or that-::
coke or pepsi --: coke
peanut butter or jelly --: Peanut butter!
boyfriend or girlfriend --: girlfriend
day or night --: Night
love or lust --: Love
out or home --: Out....sometimes home
computer or phone --: Computer i guess
house phone or cell phone --: House phone...dont have a cell phone
drugs or drinking --: N/A.
the oc. or 90210 --: The OC
aol or aim --: AIM
happyness or sadness --: Depends
mellow or loud --: Mellow
long hair or short hair --: Whatever looks good.
light eyes or dark eyes --: Doesn't matter.
tall or short --:im tall...i guess

::- abc's of bands -::
a -: AFI
b-: Bright eyes
c -: The Cramps
d -: Dead Kennedys
e -: Elvis costello
f -: Flogging Molly
g -: Generation X
h -: The Heartbreakers
i -: Iggy Pop
j -: Joy Division
k -: Kelis <----HAHA
l -: La'Hov....get it...like its a song not a band..HHAHAHA
m -: Misfits, Modest Mouse, Mates Of State
n -: Nerve Agents
o -: O-Band
p -: Pedro the Lion
q -: queer face head
r -: The Ramones
s -: the Subhumans
t -: Tiger Army
u -: the Undertones
v -: the viabrators
w -: Wire
x -: X-ray Spex
y -: the Y Band
z -: the Z band
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