another post in which i bitch about life...

Jan 08, 2009 11:01

1. my husband hasn't really worked since louis was born in october.. which means we are now without health insurance..

2. the engine in his truck went on tuesday which means that even if he was working he'd have no way to get there

3. we ran out of heating oil today and i have $3 to my name

*sigh* i think i've fixed most of this though.. craig has an appointment tomorrow with a specialist and he'll try and get him to sign the disability paperwork..i doubt it will happen so sunday night i'll drive him up to worcester and have him stay there during the week so his bestfriend, who lives around the corner from his moms house and works at UPS as well, can drive him to work.

then, once i get my taxes back, i'll put a rebuilt engine into his truck.. we are still paying for the truck so it doesn't make much sense not to fix it.. if they repo it, we still have to pay the deficiancy balance and then try and get a new to us car.. not happening.. so he'll spend weeks up in worcester and i'll be in warren by myself during the week.. he works 2nd shift anyway so not much is different except for not having him here in teh mornings..

i talked to daycare and i am not paying them this week.. so ic an use the $285 i pay them weekly for the 2 kids to have oil put in the house.. hopefully they show up soon because its freaking freezing in here... that and i need to take a shower..

this is SO not how i though married life was going to be..i understand craig is in alot of pain and doesn't feel good and working int he UPS warehouse has to suck ass.. but come on.. we have a newborn in teh house.. and right now, my $12 an hour job is supporting all 4 of us.. most weeks i can't even afford food for the house after bills are paid, but because he hasn't been fired from work, his income still counts against us so i don't qualify for WIC or foodstamps.. right now ijust want to be able to afford formula and food.. and maybe some heating oil.. is that really too much to ask for?

*sigh* and now LJ is supposedly tanking.. this is my favorite site.. i may not post alot, but i try to read and its the best place i've found to meet new people that aren't stupid :X i hate facebook and am gettin gbored with myspace... :(

blah... i'm freezing..

*edited post to spell my sons name right.. accidently gave him a sex change from louis to louise :X bad momma.. lol
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