(no subject)

Dec 07, 2004 18:13

Layer one: STATS
Name: Jen
First Breath of Air: October 28, 1989
Current location: sunroom
Eye color: blue..black outline.
Hair color: bottle blonde highlights with brown.
Height: 5'6"
Righty or Lefty: righty.
lnnie or Outtie: innie.
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.
Current mood: uhm..freakishly happy.
Current hair: down. all over the place.
Current smell: tacos. hah my gramma is cooking.
Current desktop picture: Marilyn Monroe.
Current favorite band: velvet revolver or hawthorne heights
Current worry: ashley getting better.

The shoes you wore today: my hot pink converse.
Your weakness: >> love..mushy stuff..guys..
Your fears: dying with out being able to say goodbye. my friends dying. being alone.
Your perfect pizza: cheese,cheese, cheese, peperoooooniiiiis.
Goal you'd like to achieve: padd 9th grade..maybe get a boyfriend by then.

Layer Three: TELL
Your most overused phrase on MSN: erm... i have no idea.
Your thoughts first waking up: the dream i was having..what time it is.
Your best physical feature: i guess my eyes? pfft i dunno.
Your bedtime: whenever i get tired enough.
Your greatest accomplishment: getting over that one guy..yea that one.

Layer Four: YOU PREFER
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: GrOOOOSSsss
Single or Group Dates: single
Adidas or Nike: neither
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: chocholate
Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino

Layer Five: DO YOU
Smoke: nopppe
Sing well: pfft if i know..ask matt..we always sing.
Take a shower everyday: twice..3 times if i can.
Have a crush(es): mhmm..and EVERYONE effing knows. giawwwd
Do you think you've been in love: yes.
Want to go to college:yes,
Want to get married: yes
Believe in yourself: no
Get motion sickness: sometimes...
Think you're attractive: uhm..NO.
Think you're a health freak: no
Get along with your parents: no
Like thunderstorms: yes..
Play an instrument: yes.

Drank: no
Smoked: no
Done a drug: no..besides motrin and tylonel.
Made out: yes
Gone on a date: no. never have been on one.
Gone to the mall: yes.
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
Eaten sushi: nooo
Been on stage: nope
Been dumped: nope
Gone skating: yes
Made homemade cookies: yes
Gone skinny-dipping: no
Dyed your hair: no

Layer Seven: HAVE YOU EVER
Played a game that required the removal of clothing: nope
Been caught "doing something": nope
Been called a tease: by my friends..but we were kidding.
Gotten beaten up: no
Changed who you were to fit in: no.

Best eye color: green..or darrrrk blue or liiiight blue..or chocolate brown
Short or long hair: long
Best height: six ft.
best hair color: any color.
best articles of clothing: meshhh..or band shirts.
best date location: in the rain! or a park..somewhere really romantic.

Layer Nine: NUMBER OF
Girls I have kissed in my life: one
girls I have made out with: none
Girlfriends I've had: nope.
Boys I have kissed: 6
Boys I have made out with: 4
Boyfriends: uhmm...3
Drugs Done Illegally: none.
CD's I own: pfft i have no idea.
Piercings: ears
tattoos: nope
Times my name has appeared in the newspaper: never.
Scars on my body: i have no idea.
Things in my past that I regret: i dont regret my past..i learn from it.

Age you hope to be married: sometime in my 20s
Numbers and names of your children: if i had to..just one. Girl:Rachel. Boy: Joel
Describe your dream wedding: classic white wedding, in a park or somewhere like that, really sunny, not alot of people..then right when the guy says "kiss the bride" it starts raining. ..god me and kissing in the rain... sorry.
How do you want to die: in my sleep.
Where do you want to go to college: Flordia State, Gerogia Southern, Or Colorado State.
What do you want to be when you grow up: either..a layer, a psycologist or hell an interior decorator.
What country would you most like to visit: Austrailia.


i would put it in a linky thiny but i dunno how.
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