Jan 21, 2005 21:10
its about 9:00 and im sittin downstairs with my parnets watchin cellular which turns out is kinda stupid but o well my mom wanted to watch it and im trying to be a nice son. so i rented garden state like daniel said. and tomorrow mornin when i wake up im goin to return it and get elephant. i think im gonna make a copy of gardn state but im not sure i think im going ot have to go watch it first. skating was kinda borring today but it was still better than coming home and sitting around with my parents. i went to go get that movie friday night lights today but they were already all out of it. but instead of that i got this thing at blockbuster where in 30 days i can rent as many movies as i want 2 out at a time so tonight i am starting my movie marrathon.
And then on the good side of things my dad was talkin about gettin an old car and restoring it so i told him that a guy named travis is selling an old mustang....so i think hes gonna have me find out about it YEY!!!