okay. so its getting to be crunch time, last week was mid semester and I still have ALOT to do, 4x5 is more work then I expected, not to mention I can only do 4 pictures at a time.. I have projects that I need to start and work on. I really shouldnt have any issues, I mean I'm going part time (3 classes) and not working, when other people are going full time (5 classes) and working full time jobs.. i also need to just get up and do my work, when I'm not in class or with tim all I do is procrastinate.. I have enough time to balance it all but I still seem to never get anything done, I give myself time, I say I'm gonna get something done and then I dont, i just sit around and waste the time when i could be working.. and I end up being last minute and so close to screwing everything up, I really shouldnt do that to myself. idk whats to do about my my procrastination problem...
so things with timmy are going well, I'm actually at his house in Worcester right now.. Tim is wonderful, things just keep getting better and better and I couldnt ask for anything else.. I'm happy that I've found someone who I can be with that really cares about me and loves who I am, no ulterior motives, he just wants to be with me.. which is a very nice change.. my mom seems to think that its too fast too soon, but we both think that her opinion will change when she sees us together (which will be winter break when he comes home to NC with me, yay!) ..I love being with him, I love having him around, he is just an amazing person inside and out, and a perfect boyfriend. :o*
well anyways.. I gotta get going. I love you all. love, me
//Series One - Yourself
Full Name: Emily Myra Mattos
Nicknames: Em, emme, lemoly
Birth date: 1-16-85
Birthplace: Hickory, NC
Current Location: Manchester, NH. Charlotte, NC
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Red/Brown
Righty or Lefty: Lefty
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
// Series Two - Describe
The shoes you wore today: Black shoes with green and pink laces
Your hair: like normal? which is now straight and short by the way.
Your weakness: ice cream
Your fears: Not being able to finish school, failing at my career/life
Your perfect pizza: hamburger and mushrooms.
One thing you'd like to achieve: Becoming an art teacher
// Series Three - What Is
Your most overused phrase: Stupid.
Your thoughts first waking up: oh i have another 10 mins. (when i really dont)
The first feature you notice in the opposite(or same) sex: eyes, smile
Your best physical feature: uhh hair and hands.. but i hear eyes and smile too.
Your bedtime: after midnight.
Your greatest accomplishment: getting into college when I didnt do that great in HS
Your most missed memory: Hanging out with Bryan
// Series Four - You Prefer
Pepsi or coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: wendys
Single or group dates: single
Adidas or Nike: adidas
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: coffee
// Series Five - Do You
Cuss: way too much
Take a shower everyday: every other day
Have a crush(es): ... yeah.
Do you think you've been in love: not yet, but getting pretty close
Want to go to college: I'm in college
Like high school: noooooo
Want to get married: yes.
Think you're attractive: sometimes.
Think you're a health freak: not even close
Get along with your parents: sometimes.. in our own way lol.
Like thunderstorms: I LOOOVEEE thunderstorms.
//Series Six - This Month, Did/Have You
Drink alcohol: yes
Done a drug: no
Made Out: yes
Go on a date: yes
Go to the mall: yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no, only 2
Been on stage: nope
Been dumped: nope
Made homemade cookies: nope
// Series Seven - Have You Ever
Played a game that required removal of clothing: uhm no.
If so, was it mixed company: ...
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
Been caught "doing something": sorta?
Been called a tease: hehe yeah
Gotten beaten up: not really
Shoplifted: yeah
Changed who you were to fit in: nope.
// Series Eight - The Future
Age you hope to be married by: 25/26.
Numbers and names of Children: Kids? 3, 2 girls 1 boy.. chloe cecile, chase (girl), ugh idk the other one.
Describe your dream wedding: spring, on the water
How do you want to die: old age
Where you want to go to college: RISD.. but I go to NHIA
What do you want to be when you grow up: k-5th grade art teacher, photographer, painter
What country would you most like to visit: italy, israel
// Series Nine - Opposite Sex
Best eye color: Blue
Best hair color: uh.. anything dark.
Short or long hair: either
Best articles of clothing: Underwear!
Best first date location: movies.
Best first kiss location: don't care as long as it happens.
// Series Ten - Number Of
Number of boyfriends you've had: 4 including the one i have now.
Number of girlfriends: none.
Number of people I could trust with my life: like 6
Number of CDs that I own: too many
Number of piercings: 4
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of scars on my body: bunch of random ones.
Number of things in my past that I regret: uhhh
// Series Eleven - The Last...
Movie you rented: Hitch.
Movie you watched: Charlie and the chocolate factory.
Song you listened to: More than words <3
Song you've downloaded: all american rejects - dirty little secret
CD you bought: i dont even remember.
CD you listened to: i dont remember, dane cook maybe.. listen to the ipod most of the time.
Books you have bought: sisterhood of the traveling pants
Person you've called: My mom.
Person that's called you: LOR!!
TV show you've watched: TV bloopers right now
Person you were thinking of: Tim bc hes in front of me
// Series Twelve - Misc.
You have a b/f or g/f: yes
You have a crush on someone: yeah
You wish you could live somewhere else: yeah
You believe in online dating: we wont talk about that.
Others find you attractive: idk
You want more piercings: no
You want more tattoos: no
You like cleaning: when I'm in the mood or cant handle my mess
You like roller coasters: some
You write in cursive or print: like a combination
You carry a donor card: no
// Series Thirteen - For Or Against...
Long distance relationships: they dont really work
Using someone: Against
Suicide: against
Killing people: ..against
Teenage smoking: its your choice
Doing drugs: against.
Driving drunk: AGAINST
Gay/lesbian relationships: for.. but not myself.
// Series Fourteen - Favorite...
Soap operas: days of our lives.. when I'm at home and my mom is watching it
Food: alot of things.
Song: too many to chose.. Shinedown - save me
Thing to do: take pictures
Thing to talk about: anything?
Sport: Soccer
Drink: Mikes
Clothes: my pjs.. and my pink skirt!
Shoes: flipper floppers... BUT i do love my new chucks!
Movie: Dazed and confused, the notebook, Hitch, Batman Begins, the incredibles, Garden state, bad news bears... theres more.
Band: Three days grace
Holiday: channukah, christmas
// Series Fifteen - What Are You Right Now...
Shampoo do you use: Dove
Perfume do you use: bath and body works Coconut lime, or cherry blossom.
Shoes do you wear: flipper floppers, of black shoes
// Series Sixteen - In The Past 24 Hours Have You
Had a serious talk: kinda
Hugged someone: Yes
Fought with a friend: no
Cried: yes
Laughed: oh yeah
Made someone laugh: yeah
Bought something: Yes
Cut your hair: No