(no subject)

Jun 16, 2006 01:34

KARA. says:
KARA. says:
so why are karas with ks better than caras with cs
JOE says:
JOE says:
JOE says:
it requires an understanding of the fundamental elements in each name
JOE says:
namely, the "k" or "c" respectively
JOE says:
where k conjures images of light hearted yet contemplative things like Kites and Kittens while at the same time it forms the base of proud words of integrity and pride, like King, or Knight
JOE says:
not to mention the fact that K words are...just a whole lot rarer than C words
JOE says:
as are K karas
JOE says:
where as the letter c is full of common rationale, like "cant" which in itself is very pecsimistic, or try comparing the C alternative to Kitten "Cat" which next to the other is very bland and ordinary
JOE says:
once you get beyond your basic name science though, just my experience with Karas and Caras leads me to believe that Karas are superior
JOE says:
Caras i meet and often confused ( c word btw), theyre much more touch and go friends
JOE says:
theyre much more interested in what people think of them, and conforming (c word)
JOE says:
which is understandable, theyre common Caras, they need to do more for that extra attention
JOE says:
Karas however ive met
JOE says:
they know what they want, or at least who they want to be, a trait i greatly admire, and seek in my friends
KARA. says:
KARA. says:
JOE says:
hence, C-ara's are not up to par with K-ara's
KARA. says:
i certainly hope that i can prove your theory
KARA. says:
its a lot to live up to
KARA. says:
or... maybe i should remain the same?
JOE says:
JOE says:
because meeting my expectations is un-K-ara of you
JOE says:
and i like Kara just fine

WHY didnt i see this boy when i had the chance?! haha.
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