Jun 27, 2011 17:28
just got home and got lilah down for a nap and figured i'd sit and relax for a few before i make chef boyardee pizza. mmm i'm starving and haven't had anything to eat yet..
been up and on my feet since 6... had a child support hearing this afternoon. the baby's daddy filed for modification to decrease his amount but it was rejected and i barely had to say a word. haha. why do guys bitch about the amount of money they pay to the child's mother to support the child?!! he was nice about it and i do understand he has another child now but that doesn't affect his obligation to his first born and he sees that now. oh well. i have a migraine now and i'm tired... guess i should nap while i can then dinner after and probably gonna go visit friends tonight and go grocery shopping... fun fun. just hope i can leave lilah at my parents because this girl loves to shop alone and not with a crabby baby. she's real ornery today so i know better than to take her into a store.