/.no title.\

Feb 09, 2005 16:45

hello people. i havent wrote in here in a while. well i have plans for this weekend, ashleys at her fathers grr. well im just sittin here drinkin my coffee, tryin to chill a little. at like 5:30 im going tanning and then im going to the movies with nicole & brittani. i suppose i can change my lj picture haha, its of my lovely shoes atm, youch theys all dirty now. well i really have nothing to say besides, uhmm yea, i love angelas hair how it is now, and i totally adore nicks mohawk! haha. right about now i feel as if i want to go downstairs and listen to my mixed tapes which angela made for me. i cant wait to see ams hair lol, i bet it'll be cute. awesomeness. ugh, ashley has to go to her dads tonight so that means i have to call michael myself haha. wow, crazy well he works until 10 tonight anyways, so i wont call him anyway lol. i think were going to see hide and seek. woohoo, i've wanted to see that movie forever. yes, cant wait for spring to come, i get to paint my room black & green, its gonna be awesome and then i get to get a new dresser and new blankets and woohoo, im way too overly excited haha. hmmm .. i talked to graham a lot latley, hes sucha cutie haha, brandon & lita are such a cute couple and i love em both heh. me & kristen are fighting anymore and were friends again =) so thats always good, and me & bobbi-jo are talking again, which is good, i am not a person for drama. i had a meeting with my parents at the school today for my 3 truency's! haha it was funny, well now i have to get these stupid friday sheets to give to my teachers and ugh stupidness, maybe i should try harder and worry less about whats going on with whom ever. ahh shit, i gots to write michael his e-mail before i go. i have to make more signs like tomorrow, when i look better than i do atm, i've been so tired latley, but also very hyper. i need new fucking clothes, but no we are totally fucking poor which sucks ass, wish we were still in fucking Minnesota, where i got whatever i wanted and i was happy all the time. but i am glad im here also, because i love my friends that i have here they totally fucking rawk, yet i miss the ones from farmington. too much drama here .. and i hate the storms there, so i dont know what to do. i wish i could like go and live with my aunt in nevada for a bit, but that would never happen, rents' would never let me. uck, i had my hair, i want to dye it black but the rents' wont let me .. and i also want to get it trimmed or atleast get a couple layers in it before friday, but that wont happen either. this whole friday reports thing, if i dont get them signed then i wont beable to do anything for that weekend, which sucks ass ..! i havent talked to kevin in like a month =( *tear* i miss him dearly. im goin to the movies tonight, then we have to wait for my mom at holiday so i'll most likely get coffee there, people think im werid because i like to drink coffee. first of all theres nothing wrong with it, it tastes good and it calms me down! haha. but i really think its time to go now, i have a less than a half an hour to write michael his e-mail and then get changed to go tanning and to the movies. so i guess i'll talk to you later. tata! *loves*
<3/.samantha jo.\<3
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