Oct 20, 2003 12:20
So why the fuck does everyone in this fucking world want what they cant have but the things they can have they dont want?
Its the ultimate selfish act. People know they can have this or that so they choose not to take it because they want more and better. No one can ever be satisfied with what they have so they search more and more, always striving to achieve that next level. The next level where they will finally find happiness. The problem is that if we're searching for that next level that will finally make us happy then obviously we're not happy right now, thats another reason why we keep searching....to finally be happy.
But if everyone would just STOP and realize that if they would just appreciate what they did have then they could be happy now. Wow, what a concept, actually be happy right now? But I didnt work at anything, I didnt spend years trying to achieve some unknown thing so how could I be happy? I HATE AMERICAN CULTURE! It makes you think that you have to work hard for everything you get and if you didnt work hard then its not something you need or even want. But the sad thing is that you cant work for love. Its something that just happens. The only reason america makes you work hard for what you get is so it keeps the perpetual motion of the machine running at all times. Fear creates consumption and consumption fuels our economy. So work work work and someday you'll be happy! Get that big house, buy that nice mercedes...all these things will make you HAPPY!!!! yea right.
Its funny, everyone always finally realizes what they have when its gone....including me. That happened to me once and I learned my lesson, not like most people. I have learned to appreciate everthing I have for what it is, the people and the things I have in my life. I dont want to be that person who is old and sitting all alone in life wishing that I hadnt taken that person and their love for me for granted because thats when it wont be there anymore.
I have the power to change my own future, its all in my head, its all in your head.
So why the fuck does it have to be that way, am I going to have to seriously move on in my life to find love? Am I seriously really going to have to leave this person that I have so much hope and faith in, for her to realize how good I am for her? Will I just end up being the lesson in her life that teaches her to be grateful and appreciative for what she has because in the end I'll be gone? Only she can make or stop that from happening. She has the power but for some reason I dont think she realizes that.
It reminds me of her dad, he has signs of pre-cancer in his body and the doctor told him he better stop drinking and smoking if he wants to live more than 2 years. Well the thought of him actually dieing and not being there anymore has helped both of them to appreciate each other and to realize that hey, we love each other and thats all that matters so lets try and be better for each other. Lets appreciate what we do have and be happy with that instead of complaining and wishing for something better. Am I going to have to die and leave in order for her to appreciate me?
Why is it that I'm the one who's chasing after someone, why am I the one wanting and waiting for this person to love me back? Why cant it be the other way around, why cant I have someone wanting to be with me, wanting to hold me and love me? Probably then because I would realize what I have, accept it and actually be happy and the horrible cycle that happens everyday in this world would end.
I guess we all shall see.