Students at Beverly Hills High School:
You can help stop injustice in the Darfur region of Sudan. Right now, African muslims are being killed there only for their race. Over the past year, more than 1.2 million people have been displaced and more than 30,000 killed in Darfur by Arab militias backed by Sudan's military. This is genocide. Students Against Genocide is a charity organization at Beverly High dedicated to raising money for those in Darfur. This money is contributed to the C.A.R.E. organization, allowing it to be sent directly to Darfur. The sag_ livejournal community was created to keep Beverly students posted about the Darfur situation, S.A.G. meetings, and other S.A.G. information. You can help. Make a difference.
sag_ to view upcoming entries about S.A.G. events and options to volunteer (for community service).
Put this stamp
in your journal (info, a post, whatever) to show your support for S.A.G. and peace in Darfur. DO IT.
Post this entry in your journal, spread the word, be a good samaritan!