
Jul 18, 2003 22:35

1) Starting time: 10:35 pm
2) Your Name: lauren
3) Nicknames: lulu by like 3 people and lolo by one person =(
4) School: vista
6) Eyes: hazel/green
7) Height: 5'5"1/2
12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: yes
13) Missed school because it was raining: no
14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: hair after it was detached
15) Kept a secret from everyone: yeah
16) Written a hate letter to one of your friends out of anger: just once but i never gave it to them
17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: yeah
18) Cried during a Flick: yes,im emotional
19) Had a crush on a teacher: no
20) Have you ever thought an animated character was hot: haha no
21) Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape: unfortunately no
22) Planned your week based on the TV Guide: no
23) Prank called someone: yeah even the police. i was a bad kid
24) been on stage: yes
25) Shampoo: garnier i dont know what its called but it smells good
26) Soap: bodywash
27) Colors: green,white/black,pink/black
28) Day/night: night
29) Animal: soft and fuzzy ones
30) Number: 12
31) Commercial: where will you be when your diarreah comes back?
32) Cartoon Character: stewie-family guy
33) Subject in school: art
34) Mom or dad: neither
35) Who have you known the longest of your friends? probably april=4th grade
36) Drug: none
37) Who’s the shyest: me =)
38)Who do you go to for advice: depends what its on
39) Who do you get the most FWDS from: meagan
40) Who do you cry with: i cry alone
------------IN THE LAST 2 Weeks ------
41) Cried: yeah
42) Cut your hair: no
43) Worn a skirt: yesterday
44) Been mean: probably
45) Been sarcastic: duh
46) Met someone new: yeah
47) Talked to someone you have a crush on: sure
48) Missed someone: yes. a lot of people
49) Hugged someone: yeah
50) Fought with your parents: today
51) Wished upon a star: i prayed while looking at a star
52) Laughed until you cried: almost
53) Played Truth or Dare: no
55) Prayed: yes
56) Spent quality time alone: spent time alone but i wouldnt call it quality
57) Read a book: yeah. i started a new one tonight
59) Are you lonely: constantly
60) Are you happy: in some ways
61) Are you ok: yes
-----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN --------
62) God/Devil: yes
63) Love: yeah
64) The Closet Monster: no.but i always check my closet before i go to sleep out of habit
65) The Big Bang Theory: no
66) Heaven/Hell: yes
67) Superstitions: i dont have any
----------AND NOW GENERAL STUFF-------
68) what is your full name? lauren elizabeth juergens
69) Who named you? my mom. i was named after her favorite perfume
70) Backstreet Boys or N Sync: neither
71) When was the last time you showered? yesterday
72) What color pants do you have on right now? jeans
73) What song are you listening to right now? this brilliant dance
74) What was the last thing that you said online? bye
75) What is right next to you? a sleeping dog
76) Name everyone on your buddy list right now first and last name: people that are on=allie mackey,lisa klopfenstein,lindsey FA, mikey connor
77) What are the last 4 digits in your phone number?4114
78) what was the last thing that you ate? burrito
79) How many buddies do you have on your list? 56
80) How’s the weather right now: dark
81) Have you ever smoked pot: no
82) When you kiss, do you prefer eyes closed or open?
83) What’s the best thing that you find about the opposite sex? personality
84) How are you today? i've been better.kinda angry
85) How do you eat a Reeces? i eat the chocolate then the peanut butter
86) Who makes you happy? my friends
87) Fave CDs? too many
88) Dream car? one that runs better than mine
89) Have you ever won any special awards? yeah
90) What do you want to be when you grow up? myself
91) Do you wanna get married/have kids when you're older? sure
92) My fave music? it varies
93) Favorite movies? donnie darko,almost famous,clifford,moulin rouge
94) Fave day of this year: some day in april
95) Fave guys cologne? none
96) Celeb people tell you you look like: no one
97) Do you see that? yes
98) What did you dream about last night? camp
99) Fave name brand? none
100) Fave name? cailin
101) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no
102) Have you ever been in love? maybe
103) If you could add a question to this quiz what would it be?
104) What are your fav TV shows? the family guy,snl,conan o'brien
105) What you like to do in your spare time, like one thing that you always want to do? make stuff
106) What will your first son's name be: how about jackson,jack for short
107) First daughter? cailin
108) Favorite drink? iced tea,lemonade
109) Do you like scary or happy movies better? happy
110) On the phone or in person? in person
111) Lust or Love? love
112) If you could change something about yourself? a lot but i dont want to dwell on it cause i'll never be satisfied
113) What's going through your head right now? the song im listening to
114) What are you wearing? jeans,striped shirt,sweatshirt
115) End Time: 10:54 pm
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