So I obviously have two blogs. The one
over here is family friendly--I mostly base it around pictures I've found or taken--and it tends to be wildly sentimental. Let me rephrase. I am wildly sentimental, and prefer not to inflict it on you guys, so I save it for The Picture Blog.
This journal is non-family (with the exception of the wonderful cousin Jorde) because it often contains adult humor like sex, drinking, swearing, and walking alone at night. It's that last one that my mom can't handle.
This entry is a perfect example of why she doesn't read this journal. I would like to present:
This is a real book. It was written in the late 40's-early 50's. Written by a man. He is here to inform girls about the dangers of masturbation:
He is a man of both Faith and Science. Nervous energy is a real thing that causes women to be stupid if it is depleted? or if the is too much? Okay, I'm not exactly clear on that point.
A bit more about Science, because I know both the Captain and Brad will be interested (in the science, I mean! jeez.)
And finally, a Christian solution:
And there you have it, folks. Just to make it really clear as to why my family does not read this particular journal, I will now say that I am a fan of depleting my nervous energy. And I will call it that from now on.
Please Me:
Tell me that Pretty Good Sized Turtle will have 77 virginal wives in his new home.
Plague Me:
Just go ahead and read the above entry. That pretty much sums it up.
Quote Of The Day:
Me: You are a manipulative bastard.
Brad: I know my strengths.