Dec 07, 2004 18:17
you know what i hate ? people who think they can still be ur friend after lying to you about everything for the whole fucking summer, and making you look like a fucking loser. You are a trendie faggot, who needs to get a fucking life. Get the fuck away from me and my friends, and stop bitching about how we weren't "nice to you" and shit because we sure as fuck were. You make people feel like they've done something wrong, and you feed off of the attention they give you for it. &of all the nights to tell him, you picked my birthday ? you are lower than low. and its not the fact that you can't keep a secret that makes me so upset about this, its that i was dumb enough to think, back when i first met you, that you were actually pretty cool.
I'll give you 3 guesses as to who i want to scream all of this at.
mother fucker.