Yes, that's right. Headers from _evenstar icons will now be introduced. I'm so making everything these days [notreallybutohwell]. Well, here's four headers of Johnny Depp, Ashton Kutcher, Kate Bosworth, and Mischa Barton.
They're 601 x 299. I apologise that they're so plain, but I'm too lazy to blend or do anything else, plus there's more headers coming soon as well, I just need to convert them into .JPEG format. Plus, I worked hard on those four [smoothing them out, adding effects, adjusting positions].
Should be perfect for full Generator sizes (like my journal layout right now), but do whatever you want. Oh, and see the (C) _EVENSTAR part? Yeah, that's the first time I'm doing that, but it's just for headers.
001. COMMENT if taking any.
002. CREDIT me in your user info. Not some entry, but your user info. And it's _evenstar, not evenstar [that really ticks me off].
003. SAVE to your own server. I heard that direct-linking can cause blindness.
004. Images credit to
Celebrity-Scans and