So Damn Funny

Jun 21, 2003 01:12

Ok, now I am totally going against my son's wishes by telling this. Lol, however he can't read just ya know. Here goes. Out of no where today he goes "So did you and Keith have fun when you went to the beach by yourself?" I look at him as if hes lost his mind right. And then say "WHUT are you talking about" He says it again. It dawns on me he is talking about when we went on our honeymoon. (He is obsessed with watching home movies and there is one with us on the beach.) So.... I go "OHHH the honeymoon?" "Yes" he says. He wants to know why I didn't take him. So I try and explain to him that honeymoons are for grown ups after you get married and blah blah. So when I say the part about "When you get older and get a girlfriend..." He interrupts me and says "Uhhh, I already have a girlfriend" (Looks at me like DUHHHH MOM). I said "who". He says "Katie" (little neighbor girl). I said "Oh is that right? Well ok" Then he is looking down acting shy (this kid is total drama king BTW) then he looks up at me and says "Well don't be mad and you can't tell no one but......." I said "Ok whut" He continues: "....but I (throws his hands up in the air) I already fell in love with her".

:::::::BLANK ASS LOOK:::::::

Then he goes "Well mommie, when I marry Katie, how will you feel?" We are driving and all the sudden I find myself starring out the window. Well I come to and somehow spit out "Uhh, well I'll be there and I'll be happy for you".

End of the conversation. I continue starring out the window. Then I think to myself:

WTF!?!?! Did I really just HAVE this conversation? Did it actually just take place? WITH my damn four year old!!! LMAO.....

Damn he cracks me the hell up!!!!
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