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Dec 19, 2008 10:43

So today I found out that I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Celiac Disease.

Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disorder, basically my immune system is attacking my thyroid gland and it can lead to hypothyroidism. With Celiac Disease, my body is damaging my intestinal villi (those little shaggy things in the small intestine that allow nutrients to be absorbed) whenever I eat foods containing gluten and I am becoming malnourished as a result. And according to my bloodwork, the villi must have been pretty dang damaged and inflamed. My ND is pretty sure that in my case, the Hashimoto's is a result of the Celiac Disease.

And, as weird as it sounds, I am so relieved! I have a diagnosis, finally! I've been feeling so exhausted and brain-fogged for so long with doctors doing bloodwork, and a sleep study(which didn't indicate anything), and telling me that I just need to get to bed by x time, or to exercise more for energy and it will go away. All it took was going to a naturopath that does more detailed bloodwork, and it was obviously there as I looked at the bloodwork charts with her. All the things that the doctors normally tested for my thyroid showed that I was completely normal, but she went into it just one more test, and that result was in the 450's when it should have been in the 30's, wow.

Now I can start doing something about it, I'm taking some supplements to help in the process of healing my digestive system and also some really nasty liquid medicine for my thyroid. And now I have to have a gluten-free lifestyle. And I'm finding out that gluten is in pretty much everything! So I have to be really careful about what I eat. Which is going to be hard with Christmas coming up and pie, and cookies, and mmmmmmmmmm. I'll have to find some good gluten-free recipies for baked goods.
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