I am one

Sep 30, 2004 22:48

Vowed with myself to start making entries here on this date, because it's my little Gem's 2nd birthday which happens to coincide with her Mum's Dad's Mum's funeral. They share two names and the latter lived to 103 and one day.

Can't say I've got much to say, because I'm shattered as usual. Feel I'm on the brink of getting some order back into the world, and have been away from using the full creative juices for too long, so I'm poised to do some of that too.

Clearly this will be the last entry for some time, since I seem to tear off chunks of my desk diary 3 months at a time. But who knows? If I really get some control back, maybe the timing between entries will slowly reduce.

You'll know when you read the next entry...