Saturday went into work early and...
Damn what the hell did I do...oh yeah...
Kicked back a bit in the afternoon till Steph got anxious and told me to hurry and get to Cleveland.
Picked up Samantha and hung out with Steph, Valerie, Madison (her 6 month old...getting huge yo...), James (Val's first born who shares the same rockin' b-day as me and Oberst), and Val's lil' sister and mom.
Left with Sam and Steph hit arby's (addiction of the summer) and the mall.
Took a slow start this morning but I did manage to:
- cook breakfast
- wash my dishes
- download more Zelda episodes
- burn more movies onto cds
- vacuum all of downstairs for the first time EVER
- pay bills
- buy an Enon cd, Carmagedon (want my $2 is so old I don't know how to run it...and I wanted Carmagedon 2 not 1), and Kerouac poster
- buy $80 worth of groceries
- wash 2/3 of my dirty laundry
- and got a hold of Karissa...she's gettin' married on Sunday!!!
::note to self:: buy a digital camera and train yourself how to use it before Sunday
Busy, Busy, Busy...
::note to self:: Invite Danielle over one night to burn copies of all of her righteous cds...(sooo thirsty to hear new music...)