a couple surveys.

Sep 27, 2004 00:12


[my name is]: Erin Jo.

[in the morning i am]: Cute and tired.

[love is]: a strong word I speak too easily.

[i dream about]: The future that I am terrified of.

-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-

[what do you notice first?]:body. I’ll admit it, then eyes and voice.

[last person u slow danced with]: Jon.

-W H O-

[do you have a crush on?]:I’m boy crazy, it changes a lot, but when I fall its hard to get change.

[easiest to talk to]: Jon.

-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-

[fallen for your best friend]: All too recently, and it was a hard hit.

-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-

[you talked to on the phone]: Ryan….

[hugged]: My uncle, that I hadn’t seen in three years.

[you instant messaged]: Justin and Heather.

[you laughed with]: Jess.

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-

[could you live without the computer?]: for school, no; communication, yes.

[what's your favorite food?]: everything, I’m a fat cow.

[what’s your favorite fruit?]: Fresh Pineapple.

[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]:Emotional, it lasts longer.

[trust others way too easily?]: Sometimes, I like when people give me attention.

-N U M B E R-

[of times i have had my heart broken?]: Once.

[of hearts i have broken?] : Two.

[of boys I have kissed?] : ten.

[of girls I have kissed?] :two.

[of drugs taken illegally?] : one.

[of tight friends?] : three.

[of cd's that i own?] : too many.

[of scars on my body?] : I don’t count them?

[of things in my past that i regret?] : there Is a few, but I am a better person today because of them.


[i know]: I need to move on.

[i want]: to make other people happy.

[i have]: nothing to hide.

[i wish]: I could go back a month in time, I would have handled things different.

[i hate]: him.

[i miss]: Being in his arms.

[i fear]: Being alone.

[i hear]: my nana’s laugh when I am lonely.

[i search]: For the person I am suppose to be.

[i love]: being in love.

[i care]: about my sister’s future, she needs to wake up and look around.

[i always]: reminisce in the past, life was easier.

[i dance]: in my underwear.

[i cry]: too much, it’s a good stress reliever.

[i write]: poetry.

[i confuse]: everyone, including myself, I’m an intense person beware.

[i can usually be found]: with friends, I hate Being alone.

[i need]: Strength to make decisions.

[have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing]:Strip poker… I don’t know how to play poker.

[if so, when and with who]:my boyfriend at the time.

[favorite place to be kissed?]: Forehead, it’s sincere.

[have you ever been caught "doing something"]:By my sister.

[daydreamer]: Avid.  I always am spacing off.  My mind can stay busy for hours.

[brat]: Spoiled brat, and proud.

[friend]: I try my hardest to be.

[shy]: I used to be ungodly shy, now I am just around certain people, mostly adults.

[talkative]: get me around family and friends and I don’t shut up. In a crowd, I Like to sit and watch.

[intelligent]: More so street smart than book smart.


[your best feature (personality)]: I care about others more than myself.

[your biggest flaw (personality)]: I’m extremely moody.

[most annoying thing you do]: It takes some convincing to get me to tell people whats wrong.

[biggest mistake you've made this far]: I’ve made a few, point is that I learned from them.

[describe your personality in one word]: varied.

[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: my hair.

[person you regret sleeping with]: Scotty 2 Hotty.

[height]: 5’4

[a smell that makes you smile]: vanilla.

[a city you'd like to visit]: Sydney, Australia.

[a drink you order most often]: Water.

[a book you highly recommend]: speak.

[the music you prefer while alone]: sappy shit.

[a film you could watch over and over]: anything Disney.

[a TV show you watch regularly]:passions.

[you live in a(n)]: a small farming community.

[your transportation]:my car or my own two feet.

[your cologne or perfume]: lucky.

[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: a horrible shirt I can’t part with.

[something important on your night table]: my cell phone.

1)     I am… not your ordinary girl.

2) My ex-boy/girlfriend was... great to me, he just wasn’t my soul mate, he’s my best friend.

3) I'm just a(n)... nerd.

4) Maybe I should... test my comfort zone, and leave the boundaries.

5) I love...being the little spoon.

6) _____Erin_______ is cute

7) Looking for... My fairytale romance, if you find the guy let me know.

8) I don't understand...myself, what the fuck goes on up there?

9) I lost my... favorite shirt, a tragedy, I know.

10) My boy/girlfriend is a(n)… none existent.

11) In darkness, I... Feel alone.

12) Why do I... question everything good that happens to me?

13) Is there such a thing as... a happily ever after?

14) Does the... world change around me, or do I change the world?

15) People say I'm...dramatic.

16) Love is...Overrated.

17) You make me wanna... Scream, in the bathroom….gotta love her.

18) Somewhere, someone is... Missing me, I just wish it was him.

19) Is it true that...everyone falls in love under the stars?

20) I will always... Remember the real people in my life.

21) Forever is... a huge commitment.

22) I never want to… afraid to be myself.

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