Board exams

Jun 20, 2010 07:36

I'm freaking out.

I'm taking my MPJE this Wednesday, 6/23, and my NAPLEX next Tuesday, 6/29.


The Buffalo testing site booked up really quickly, so I'm going to east Syracuse for the MPJE, and Erie PA for the NAPLEX. Not a big deal, both are within 2-3 hours of me. I'm going back and forth between having a hard time forcing myself to study, and freaking myself out and thinking I can't do anything BUT study until they're over. Gah.

In other news, my wedding invitations are done and ALMOST ready to be mailed out - just need to print the address labels!

Headed out for Father's Day breakfast with my dad - secretly crossing my fingers for eggs benedict to be on the menu. Nom.
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