Episode 20 has always been one of my favourites but it seems to be one that slips under the radar of most web forums/reviews etc.
One of the things that always strikes me is how the Freudian ante is so upped; Vincent believing he is in Re-1’s head and dreaming that he dreams of being married to her, whilst wearing Raul Creed’s outfits and going out on the town with Daedalus Yumeno who is now Re-1’s brother (!!!).
This, in the usual playful e.p. way, adds a lot of new angles with which to view the main characters.
For example, Daedalus - ostensibly (and obsessively) ‘in love’ with Re-1 acts more like a possessive father at times and in fact Real becomes his ‘son’ Icarus later in the series - whilst the proxy (aptly named here) has previously played that role for him.
On the other hand - Yumeno’s competitive encounters with Raul are such that a brotherly relationship to Real makes a plausible fantasy for him (as much as Vincent) since this would mean he was on equal footing (class divisions being what they are in Romdo) with the Security Chief and Re-1 (the Regent's daughter).
Of course Daedalus as Re’s brother eliminates the sexual rivalry with Vincent (whose dream this is) and with that removed Vincent seems to be have no hard feelings/resentments against Yumeno.
But again - the weirdness; Daedalus does look like a relative of Real, their appearance is such that had they been introduced as siblings my guess is that viewers would have accepted them as such straightaway. So what does this say about Vincent - is there a lurking subtext of attraction here (ala The Dreamers) ???
And where does all this leave surrogate daughter Pino who, Philip K. Dick style, sees right through the reality illusion? And where and how dd Vincent dream up Swan?? Do you buy the probable Swan was a head messing Proxy theory?
Well, i’m not asking for folks to tell me what it means (that’s sort of a bad question to ask about a series that refuses straight answers) but just what did it bring to mind - what are viewers opinions and feelings on the episode??
I’m curious is all.