Jun 14, 2004 14:29
so i spent a good portion of last night expecting her to call. why wont she call me? how late is she out doing this thing? then i saw that she'd posted on LJ, and was no longer on IM... so I called her. and it didn't even get me to voicemail. the first time i got a single ring. the second time nothing. and why was i getting only the one bar of service? an hour later the troubleshooting had escalated, and the replacement phone was almost ready. I told phone #1 to call phone #2, and left it to do its thing. then i went to bed. it never got through. anyways, this morning i felt a little more reasonable about the situation, and after a cafefully designed regimen of beatings and reboots phone #1 seems to be doing much better. but when aggregated with the week long "oh my god the screen doesn't display anything" incident which inspired the initial acquisition of phone #2, it looks like phone #1 is not long for this world. also my mother is canceling service on it. I'm still not sure what phone number would be best for phone #2 ... it is real sleek though
i think that if my boss calls the phone will ring...