Jun 02, 2004 04:49
y'know what sucks? not sleeping.
as i bought the medicine i happily remarked on how it made my heart go pitter-pat. This is most likely due to the "pseudo-ephedrine". I think its related either to adrenaline or speed, though i don't particularly recall. regardless, this is a chemical that lets my allergy medication be non drowsy. also they recomend that you not take more than three or your heart may explode. so when i took one with two cups of coffee after dinner that may have been a bad idea. i tried to sleep for four hours with the constant inner monologue of "AAAH! AAAH!" coming from somewhere downstage center in my skull. the real funny thing is how long it took me to figure out what was going on. I first had to rule out emotional trauma or crisis, which is hard to do when your brain keeps anouncing its brand new previously unknown of crisis that needs panic. then you ask the brain what it is that worries it, and it screams "crisis!". you ask it what to do about it, it says "panic!". so instead of sleeping i thrashed around a bunch, worrying about things pretty much at random, until i realized the problem was physical and not about to solve itself.
in retrospect, this is why i used to always take claratin in the morning