if you're in the harry potter fandom please read!

Mar 11, 2006 14:00

If you're interested in harry potter or involved in the fandom in anyway, please help me.
So it's overused, but I was thinking of starting up a Harry Potter icon stillness community. The thing is, I don't want it to be of HP icons in general, I'd prefer an actual couple/theme/etc. If I was a paid account user I would use a poll but I'm not so I'll have to do it the old-fashioned way. ;) Please do me a favour and vote for one of the following in a comment; you can just type a number or the actual couple/theme/etc. Since almost everybody on my f-list likes HP in some way, I hope they'll be a lot of replies!

[1] Ron//Hermione.
[2] HP couples in general.
[3] The Trio.
[4] Goblet of Fire movie.
[5] Themes.*

*What I mean for this one is, that every week I'll post a theme and members will have to make an icon of any HP movie scene or character that relates somehow to the theme. Some examples of themes could be colours, emotions, objects or ideas [such as magic or something].

The first three are probably a little overused but they sound really fun. But I also really like the last two, they're a little more original. ^^

I am also looking for a co-mod. Now I haven't actually started the community since I'm waiting for some of your opinions, but what I'll do is ask you to reply to this post with one of the above stillness community ideas, and if you're also interested in being a co-mod, tell me so in the same comment as your vote. Let me know how much time you have and if you have any experience in mod-ing/co-moding communities.

This is really really important to me, so please please comment! ♥

hp, vote, stillness

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