(no subject)

Mar 27, 2005 17:35

Neone wanna be hosted by me hit me up @ oo0.babyx@gmail.com. Be sure to read the rules thanks ;).

i will host blog, personal and portfolios...nothing else so dont bother!

must have a coming soon sign/text up within a week and your layout up within two.
NO direct linking.
MUST talk to other fam members, comment on their sites(other than nice site) and have the fam linked.
no music/video files.
Your work must be yours, given too or bought. NO STEALING if i hear of it ull b deleted in a second!
No tYpiNg lYke dIZ.
in the subject boz put ooh-baby.net rocks! so i no u have read the rules.
Nothing racist or illegal.
do not apply if u already have a site unless leaving.(portfolios are good)
if going on hiatus let me no for how long.
if leaving let me no.
no bmp files. I HATE THEM!
give cerdit.
delete what your not using.
and other than that do what cha want with ya site!

You Get
you.ooh-baby.net or oohbaby.net/you
25MB of space a hella alot of bandwith.
e-mail or e-mail forwarder.
private ftp and password.
anything else just ask. :)

AIM or yahoo name:
2 pieces of work(url or site):
know ftp?:
know html?:
desired name:
e-mail or e-mail forwarder?:
desired e-mail:
e-mail password:
name of referral(if any):

*as of right now the site is not up. but u can check out my work @ http://loosefitted.net/ohbaby. and any other questions u have ask with the form.
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