Spider Solitare wasn't quite entertaining enough. So while flipping through my cd collection I decided to put my brain to work by choosing a list of my five favorite albums. And people, I'll tell you, it was hard work. But after much deliberating, I have finally come up with the five Chosen Ones. Are you ready
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1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band
(The Beatles are, as everyone does or should know, the greatest band ever. No one has or ever will "get" music the way that they did. This album just has a great mood and, in my opinion, is their most enjoyable collection of songs.)
2. Under the Table and Dreaming
(I feel no need to reiterate your good words)
3. Abbey Road
(The BEST of the Beatles)
4. Magical Mystery Tour
(The WEIRDEST of the Beatles)
5. American Idiot
(Okay, the music is mediocre. The words... okay. The story is sensational. I feel like this cd brought me full-circle this year, being the one and only St. Jimmy.)
6. Before These Crowded Streets
(Dreaming Tree is the most amazing song EVER. Yes, I know this is one of your least favorite DMB albums, but I DON'T CARE, it's godfucking amazing)
7. Best of Bowie
(This cd became an instant favorite about a week ago.)
8. Godspell Soundtrack
(Heck yes I love this Christian musical. Heck yes I do.)
9. Room for Squares
(I am not a fan of the follow-up, like you are. I think the youthful idealism of this cd is beautiful, and that it was lost wth heavier things)
10. Songs About Jane
(This album once ruled my senses)
Close-calls: Hot Fuss, Bat Out of Hell, Crash, Garden State Soundtrack
#1) I have to have all four of my wisdom teeth out. I am NOT excited about this. They're doing it on September 16th! I might not be able to eat my BIRTHDAY CAKE!!!(but I can eat the ice cream)
#2) This is a funny story. I gave my number to this boy I met through a coworker of mine at the highly reputable D'Angelos and I'm pretty sure he called and was scared off by my voice mail.
#3) My Ninny has Pneumonia.
And as a bonus piece of information, if you contact me soon I will gladly tell you of perhaps the funniest conversation humanity has ever known between Mike, my dad, and I. Mr. Dillon has been a little crazy lately because he hasn't slept in a week.
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