Sep 24, 2005 18:38
Friday- had short classes, and then had the powder puff rally. ahaha, everyone did a great job. i was making my little laughy noises when it was silent, and laurie was on the stage...i giggled at myself. lol. then afterwards marchella and all the other big sisters took all their little sisters out to lunch. it wasfun. then krystas big sister drove me home. then i babysat, a bird hit the window, and it was like, dieing. and then the little girl *shes 6* is like, LETS SAVE IT* so...i had to put the bird in a box, and i was so grossed out i was about to puke. not even funny. and then i came home, got ready, picked up tina, and went to katelynds house for her b-day party. haha, omg, the *cousin*....we're bad epople katelynd, bad people. LMBO. omg but yea. umm, jumped on the trampoline, had dinner, cake, she opened presents, and then we went for a stroll around the neigborhood. lmbo, funny stuff. umm, then endned up laying on blankets on her front lawn. two druggy guys came walking 10 feet past us, they realized we were there, and theyr like WHAT THE CRAP. lmbo...funny stuff. then amanda left, and we watched sex crimes on tv. THE RATS CHEWED HER NIPPLES OFF. THE M A N CHEWED HER NIPPLES OFF.
brb, ill update more later