quiz like things

Jun 13, 2004 17:39

~*~* NAMES *~*~
1. What is your real, full name? emily kate friday
2. What other names were your parents thinking about for you? katherine, helena.
3. If you had been born of the opposite gender, what was your name going to be (according to your parents)? patrick
4. What does your name mean (if you know)? i dunno.
5. Do you like your name? not really.
6. Do you know anyone else with your name? yes, emmy preddy!
7. If you could change your name, what would it be to? i have a whole bunch of things i'd rather have for a name... i'd like to be named Seven. =D
8. What is coolest name of someone you know? i used to know a girl named Alix... pronounced Ay-Licks. it was cool i guess. Bobby has a really cool name too. its very cute.
9. The weirdest? ummm, weird = cool.
10. The plainest/ugliest? plainest... john.

11. What is your favorite weapon? everything!
12. What is your favorite genre of book? i dont have a specific genre.
13. What is your favorite planet? saturn
14. Your favorite type of sandwich? turky and mustard. or cream cheese sammy.
16. Where did 15 go? go the hell knows.
17. Favorite joke? i dont know.
18. Favorite color of clothing on you? black
19. Favorite fruit juice flavor? i dont like fruit juice.
20. What's your favorite thing to look up online? i dont know.

21. Do you know anyone who drinks underage (if yes, how many)? uh yeah, a lot.
22. Smokes (if yes, how many)? a lot.
23. Does drugs (if yes, how many)? a lot.
24. Lost their vigrinity before being married? a lot.
25. Worships the devil? i dont think anyone.
26. Has had their life threatened? anyone who is my friend has.
27. Do you know anyone who hates slurpees? i dont know.
28. Give a rough estimate of how many people you know. hundreds
29. Now how many of them are your friends? like, 4. haha.
30. Where are the majority of your friends from (i.e. sports, school)? school.

31. Eat bugs purposely? if i'm getting payed, maybe.
32. Commit a crime? yes.
33. Change your religion? if i found one that suited me better.
34. Lie to your parents? yes. they lie to me, why not?
35. Jump over a waterfall? sure, why not.
36. Change clothes in front of an open window? nooo
37. Dress up as the opposite sex for an important event? heheh, yess.
38. Go out at night dressed in something like a black trenchoat and sunglasses? yeah.
39. Sing a harmonized duet in front of 500 strangers? no way.
40. Tell someone that you liked them if they were much older than you? yes.

42. Have your life threatened? umm, i dont think so.
43. Stumbled across FBI secrets online? no
44. Stayed up until the morning light talking online? yes
45. Made people give you really weird glances? If yes, how? um, i've done it quite a few times.
46. Read a Shakespeare play? yes, a few.
47. Talked in your sleep? yeah
48. Sung at a karaoke bar? no way
50. Been run over... with a bike? nope.

51. Number one on your hit list? JOSH CRAIGO. grrr.
52. On your aol instant messaging list (Give screen names and real names, if possible)? a lot of people. i'm not naming all 129 of them.
53. The person you talk to most online? bobby
54. The person you talk to least online? practically everyone.
55. The person who calls you ever other day? natalie
56. Is there anyone that dumped you when you most needed them? almost everyone.
57. The last person you talked to on the phone with? natalie
58. The person/people you're with the most? me
59. Never home? emily, matt, oh and 99% of the rest of the population.
60. Always home? me, natalie, and bobby usually.

~*~*THIS OR THAT*~*~
61. Mulan or Moulin Rouge? moulin rouge
62. 7 Up or Dr. Pepper? dr pepper
63. Hamsters or Gerbils? hamsters
64. Rats or Mice? mice
65. The Swings or the Slide? Swings
66. Rollercoaster or Merry-Go-Round? rollercoaster
67. Sneakers, Sandals, or No Shoes? sneakers
68. Italian or Mexican food? italian
69. Fast Food or Sit Down Restaurant? fast food
70. The Sun or the Moon? moon

71. What's your favorite quote about love? i dont like thinking about love.
72. Favorite quote about friends? i dont know
73. How about about life? I DONT KNOW.
74. What's your favorite humorous quote? I DONT KNOWWWWW.
75. How about the quote that makes you go, "Hmm"? shut UP about the quotes.
76. The quote that makes you go, "To true, to true." haha, i have no idea you idiot
77. What's your favorite swear word? fuck/fuckwad and cock/cocksucker
78. What's your favorite non-swear word? crazy
79. What's your favorite thing to do on a cold day? i dont know
80. How about your favorite thing to do on a hot day? i dont know

81. Are there any shoes in the room? yeah
82. Underwear? yeah
83. Dishes, glasses, forks, spoons etc? yeah
84. Something unidentifiable that is very nasty looking? no
85. Money? yes :D:D:D:D:D
86. A TV? no :(:(:(:(:(
87. Is there a fan in the room with you? no
89. How about a blanket? yes
90. What colors are the walls and the floor? the floor is beige and the walls are yellow with one red wall.

91. In how many languages can you say "Goodbye?" uh, 3 or 4.
92. And how many of those can you actually spell? uhh all.
93. What's your favorite way of ending a letter? my name, fuckwad. and something catchy/meaningful.
94. Who's the last person you said goodbye to you, and where were they going? uh, bobby... he was gonna restart his comp. haha.
95. Is there any wierd way you say goodbye (ie Night, Smooches)? no.
96. How do you end internet conversations? depends on who it is. if i like you, you get a big goodbye. if i dont, you barely get one.
97. Do you realize I'm just stalling to get to 100? um no.
98. Have you ever seen any of these questions on any other survey before? yes
99. On a scale from 1-10, 1 being the worst, what would you rate this? 1.
100. Say a nice word to the people you are sending this to, or who you recieved it from. to: hi. from: hi.

How to make a _emywen_

1 part anger

5 parts ambition

5 parts empathy
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Serve with a slice of emotion and a pinch of salt. Yum!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

i was kinda proud of the ambition thing... heh, lately i do have a lot of ambition, dont i? *beams*

_emywen_'s LJ stalker is sawyoudothat!sawyoudothat is stalking you because you got better results for the 'acronym' thing than them. They are also prank calling you regularly!

LJ Stalker Finder
From Go-Quiz.com

so THATS whose been calling...
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