
Feb 25, 2005 17:38

Zamora went to Memphis yesterday after school for his cousins wedding.

So today i was all alone, but thankfully i know Jimii.

So during lunch i wanted to buy a pop tart but jimii had told me they were all sold out except there was one alllllll the way behind 3 milano cookies. I only had 1 dollar..... if not i would have bought them all or something....

So after waiting a while i went to the vending machine to check on the situation. it turns out that now there was only a milano cookie blocking my chances from the delicious pop tarts.... So Jimii and I decided to join in on the advertizing business.

When ever someone would go to the machine but not know what they want to buy Jimii and/or I would whisper the recommendation of the mouth watering, soul pleasing milano cookies. Or if they were to ask out loud "What Number is it?" Jimii or I would shout of the number which the milano cookies were in. After our hard attempts.... we dicided to quit the advertising business... no one would buy our products.... so we went to the last resort.... asking our friends to buy th milano cookies...

Luckily Christina Gil was walking buy and i asked her if she wanted to buy them.... i expected a no but... of course she surprised me...she said she had never tried them before and had her eye on them for a long time so... why  not?

So after all that Jimii and I succeded in achieving our goal of Pop tart! yay us!

Oh and since we will not be going into advertizing we decided to go into.... Desiging new products...

Presenting the First time in public... The Pad for men... Then Isi Jean!!!!!! *crowd goes wild* (Pronounced Easy Jean )

Pictures and discription will be explained another day

Copyright of Andrea Calzada and Jimii J. Ramos
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