ye gods and little fishes.

Jul 29, 2010 12:02

I feel terrible. cramps all the way down to my toes, and seriously need to eat something but don't have anything quick that I can make before I need to lay down again. can't take tylenol without eating something. probably shouldn't sit in a hot bath till I eat something. I tried eating an apple, but it's been a bit too long for it and it was WOW gross. one bite and I could barely get it down.

fortunately my brother's at class so he won't see me like this. I wish someone I trusted were over though. I could use a PBJ or a little bowl of buttered corn. but I don't have the fortitude to make either one... v_v;;

this had better not wind up like the first week of living in the dorms freshman year before school started. I wasn't eating enough and wound up crawling to cristina's bathroom in front of all my new friends after we finished the emperor's new groove to dry heave. they brought me milk and talked me through it.

I don't even have milk.

ARG!! I need to take better care of myself.

and I had so many plans today too. :(

EDIT: I got a rescue visit from gumby, and am fine now. I still have a bunch of stuff I want to do today, though...


woman stuff

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