I was sitting, staring at my keyboard, wondering what to learn next (having become rather compelled to learn something exciting and new) when I recalled that old book my brother found burried in a box. So I went and searched the boxes in the garage, and found this.
How it came into my family's possession- I'm not too sure. The opening page has some notes that seem to be written in another language, and underneath it says the name:
Beatrice Rock.
No relation of mine, as far as I know.
So I flip a few more pages in. There are pictures of composers.
The pages are so frail that I'm quite scared they're going to tear. The bindings of the book appears to be some sort of hemp-like-strings that I'm afraid might have bugs hiding within. Looking at the year might explain why...
One page is sewn together & repaired with... medical tape?
Least to say, I am intruiged. And if the book doesn't fall apart, I am going to learn some music from it.