(no subject)

Feb 22, 2010 20:19

Extra Credit
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Nathan/Peter
Summary: From the College AU meme tiptoe39's prompt "Some of the administration is worried Professor Nathan Petrelli having his younger brother in class is ethically questionable. They really don't know the half of it."

“…We just want to make sure things are fair for all students,” finished the head of the law department, eying Nathan intently. “Your brother being a student of yours could lead to special privileges.”

Nathan sat back in his chair calmly, listening to Bob Bishop’s spiel. The man was so clueless as to running the department that Nathan could be taking bribes for grades right here in his office and he wouldn’t get anything more from Bob than a confused look and another long winded speech.

“I understand perfectly,” Nathan cut him off. “I want Peter to get the best education he can. He’ll be treated just like any other student.” He looked at his watch, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get to class.” He stood and shook Bob’s hand, before walking out of his office, leaving the other man staring after him still looking slightly concerned.


Nathan could tell Peter was angry at him before he even started class. Normally Pete sat up in the front, and even though Nathan knew that law wasn’t his strong suit, he still always participated, and raised his hand to answer questions, if for no other reason than to please Nathan.

Today, though, Peter took a seat in the very back of the room and did nothing but glower at Nathan and chew on the cap of his pen as Nathan lectured. Beyond giving him an unimpressed quirk of his eyebrow, Nathan continued on like normal, not paying any attention to Peter at all. He had a feeling he knew exactly what Peter was angry about, but he wanted to see how his brother would handle it.

At the end of the hour, Nathan dismissed the class and stood at his desk, shuffling the papers he’d collected, when Peter stormed up to him, full of indignant fury.

“Problem?” Nathan inquired mildly, slipping the assignments into a folder and putting it into his briefcase.

“Yes, I have a problem!” Peter insisted, smacking a piece of paper down on the desk. “What’s this?!” Nathan glanced at it; it was the latest assignment he’d graded and handed back last class. Peter’s paper had a big C- written in red ink at the top.

“I’d been expecting better,” Nathan replied, picking up the paper and giving it a cursory glance, before handing it back to his brother. “Maybe next time if you try harder-“

“I was trying!” Peter interrupted, “And you know it. You know how hard I worked on that. You just marked me down on purpose!” After the words were out of his mouth, he realized how stupid it sounded. It was better than a C paper, though, and he knew it, so what else was he supposed to think?

Nathan picked up his briefcase and replied calmly, “If you really think I’m being unfair, we can discuss this in my office. Another class will be in here soon.” With that, he walked out, not bothering to look back and see if Peter was following.

“You know you’re being unfair,” Peter complained, jogging to catch up to him. “Mom and dad are going to freak out if they think I’m getting C’s. Can’t you just look over it again and see if you might’ve missed something?”

“I don’t need to. I know what I read,” Nathan told him, unlocking his office and holding the door open for Peter to enter, before walking in himself. “But…” he hesitated a moment, making sure he had Peter’s attention, before closing the door behind them and locking it. “I could be convinced otherwise.”

He smirked, and waited a beat, to see if Peter would get his meaning.

Peter opened his mouth, ready to launch into a list of reasons why he deserved a better grade, before his mind registered the look on Nathan’s face and he shut it again, looking completely dumbfounded. He couldn’t be thinking the same thing as Nathan, could he? It wasn’t like they hadn’t done things before-they’d been fooling around ever since Peter was a teenager, but this was different. This was for a grade!

Nathan just shrugged and loosened his tie a little, sitting down at his desk. “Well?” he asked, when Peter didn’t make any move toward him. “It’s your choice. One C probably isn’t going to affect your final semester grade as long as you do better from here on out.”

The more Peter thought about it, the better it sounded, though. He’d just be doing something he and Nathan did anyway, and he could get a better grade for it. “Okay,” he agreed after a moment, swallowing back his nervousness and giving Nathan a grin as he stepped forward. Somewhere in the back of his head, he knew he was being used, and it wasn’t fair, but just the idea that they were going to do something here, at school was enough to make his cock start to harden. Nathan was usually so strict about how they acted around each other out in public.

He leaned down over Nathan’s chair to brush his lips against his brother’s and Nathan curled a hand around the back of his neck, instantly deepening the kiss. He teased his tongue into Peter’s mouth, skimming it along his teeth and pulling a moan from him.

Peter started to straddle him, when Nathan broke the kiss, giving Peter a gentle push off him and pressing on his shoulder in a not so subtle hint that he wanted him lower. Peter replied with a huffy sigh into Nathan’s mouth and bit at his lip hard enough to make him whimper, before getting down on his knees.

Nathan broke the kiss and growled, “Careful,” before licking at his lip to make sure Peter hadn’t broken the skin. They were doing this in his office, for Christ sakes, he couldn’t leave any marks. Still, though, it wasn’t like he hadn’t enjoyed it. He liked a little bit of pain with his pleasure, just…not when it might raise eyebrows later.

He spread his legs a little wider for Peter to settle in between and exhaled softly when Pete started to rub him through his pants. He’d been half hard since he stepped foot in his office and it didn’t take long for Peter’s to get him the rest of the way there, wrapping a hand around his length through his slacks and jerking him off slowly.

Nathan’s fingers slid through Peter’s hair, giving it a light tug, impatient for Peter to hurry up. “We don’t have a lot of time, Pete,” he reminded his brother, his eyes flicking to the clock as Peter slowly unzipped his pants and reached in to take him out.

“Hey, I’m trying to do a good job,” Peter teased, sounding slightly breathless as he reached down to squeeze himself through his jeans. The sight of Nathan’s cock always sent a spike of lust through him; even now, when he knew he should still be a little pissed at Nathan. “I’m being graded on this.”

Nathan just rolled his eyes, though he couldn’t muffle the soft gasp as Peter leaned forward and licked up a bead of pre-cum about to spill from the slit of his cock. “Jesus, Pete,” Nathan murmured shakily, his fingers tightened in Peter’s hair a little.

Peter grinned to himself, loving that he could make Nathan sound like that. It never got old, knowing that he could take Nathan’s breath away. His tongue traced Nathan’s cock from root to tip before he sucked the head of it into his mouth, relishing the velvety smoothness of Nathan’s skin under his tongue and the sharp hint of salt, soap, and something that just tasted so utterly Nathan.

Nathan swallowed back a moan as Peter’s hand wrapped around the base of his cock, jerking off what couldn’t fit in his mouth. With his free hand, he gripped Nathan’s hip, fingers digging into the soft material of his slacks hard enough to bruise the skin underneath. Nathan had a habit of bucking his hips up when Peter did this, no matter how many times Peter told him he didn’t like choking on his dick. When Nathan was in the moment, he probably couldn’t help it. That, or he just really didn’t care.

Peter ducked his head, taking as much of Nathan in as he could, until he felt Nathan’s cock nudge the back of his throat. Then he pulled almost completely off again, hollowing his cheeks to suck hard on the head. He glanced up at Nathan through thick lashes and found his brother’s eyes staring at him intently, sending another trill of pleasure through him. Before he’d even realized what he was doing, he took his hand from Nathan’s hip and slid it into his own jeans. Nathan’s eyes were dark with lust, the pupils blown wide and Peter just couldn’t not touch himself when Nathan looked at him like that. Nathan looked like he wanted to own him, or eat him and Peter shivered, bucking into his own hand at the thought.

Lost in his own fantasies, Peter slowed down on Nathan’s cock, just holding it in his mouth, the flat of his tongue cradling the underside of it until Nathan frowned slightly and nudged Peter in the side with his foot. The action made him shake himself out of his reverie and he repeated his earlier motions on Nathan’s cock a few more times, swallowing him down deep before sucking hard as he pulled back. He was just starting up a nice rhythm as he felt Nathan’s breath quicken, a signal that he was getting closer. Nathan’s hips lifted lightly off his chair again with no one to hold them down and he hissed through his teeth when Peter’s tongue dipped into the slit of his cock.

“Fuck, Pete, that feels so good,” he murmured, giving his hair another tug, before forcing himself to loosen his fingers a little. He didn’t want to hurt Peter; he just needed something to grip into in response the mouth around him. He had swallow back another moan when he felt Peter’s teeth skim over the vein on the underside of his cock lightly, pressing against it enough to be just on this side of painful. He was about to tell Peter to be careful, when Peter flicked his tongue over the head of Nathan’s cock again and then repeated the movement with his teeth, showing Nathan that he knew exactly what he’d been doing.

The next time he took Nathan deep, he swallowed around him, and then moaned on the way back up, the vibrations sending sparks up Nathan’s spine and making him feel like he was melting; like his insides were just liquefying in pleasure and it was all he could do not to slide off his chair in a boneless heap.

The sharp press of Peter’s teeth cut through the haze again, snapping his attention back to the moment. He had to bite at the first two knuckles on his hand to keep from crying out as his orgasm reared up over him like a tidal wave, before he could even warn Peter. He bucked his hips, trying to get nearer to the heat of Peter’s mouth as he felt his cock pulse and let pleasure overtake him.

After a few moments, he came back to himself and dimly registered Peter swallowing around him, before tucking him back into his pants and zipping him up. Nathan gave Pete a grin as he started to catch his breath, his fingers still carding through Peter’s hair softly.

“C’mere,” he told him, leaning down to pull Peter into a kiss, tasting himself on his brother’s lips. He was about to pull Peter into his lap and reciprocate when he noticed the spreading stain on the front of Peter’s jeans. Apparently he’d already come in his pants, just from sucking Nathan. That thought earned him an extra kiss, before Nathan picked up a red pen from his desk and Peter’s paper, changing the C- to a B+ and handing it back to him.

“Great job, Pete,” he teased, “You earned it.”

Peter snorted in amusement, looking at the grade, before shoving the paper in his pocket and standing up. “Just…grade me fairly next time, okay Nathan?” he asked, suddenly turning serious.

“I always do,” Nathan replied, standing too and giving Peter another kiss, before crossing the room to unlock his office door. “I have some work to do, and you need to go change before your next class,” he told him, effectively dismissing him for the moment. “See you in class tomorrow.”

Peter hesitated at the door like there was something else he wanted to say, before just sighing and shaking his head, walking out. Nathan watched him go with a growing smirk on his lips again. Peter had earned that B+. That’s what Nathan was planning on giving him originally, before he’d decided against it. He preferred to mark him down lower and then play this game with him. There wasn’t any harm in it; they both got what they wanted in the end, anyway. So what if Peter didn’t know it was a game? Nathan was still grading him fairly, like he’d promised Bob. Peter just had to work a little harder for it.

heroes fic

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