fic: Valentines Day, Torchwood Style

Feb 14, 2008 18:44

Valentines Day, Torchwood Style
Rating: PG at most
Word Count: 514
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Slight Gwen/Rhys. It's mostly a gen fic
Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with the series, blah blah.
Summary: How Torchwood celebrates Valentines Day
Spoilers: None
Author's Note: This is very fluffy compared to the things I usually write. It's light-hearted and (hopefully) a bit funny. So...enjoy? :P

Gwen loved Valentines Day.

In the morning, Rhys had made her breakfast in bed. He’d burned the eggs terribly and managed to spill orange juice on the duvet, but Gwen found the thought incredibly sweet anyway. She’d kissed him, wished him a good day at work, and promised she’d be home early that night to celebrate with him.


When she’d gotten to work, she’d found out that Tosh had brought a big box of chocolates for them to snack on. Well, that had been the idea anyway, but Myfawny had gotten to them first and taken the entire box in her break, flying back up to her corner in the Hub’s ceiling.

They had been expensive chocolates, and Tosh called the dinosaur a few choice words in Japanese under her breath.


Ianto made them all mochas, to cheer Tosh up after her own bad luck with chocolate.

He tried very hard not to lecture any of them about leaving sweets where Myfanwy would get to them because he’d told them many times before, and if they hadn’t listened to him then, they certainly wouldn’t listen to him now.

He wasn’t looking forward to dealing with a hyperactive pterodactyl that night.

Owen came in late as usual and brought Tosh and Gwen a rose each, as he did every year.

Tosh blushed and thanked him, even though she’d been expecting it. Getting a rose from Owen was her favourite part of every Valentine’s Day, though she’d never admit it.

Gwen just rolled her eyes good naturedly at him when she’d read what he’d written on the card attached to the rose. It was his own dirty version of the ‘roses are red, violets are blue’ poem, and she was coming to expect that every year, too.


At lunch, Gwen passed out boxes of conversation hearts to everyone. It was childish, but she loved them.

It appeared she wasn’t the only one, as once everyone had gotten them; they opened up their boxes and poured them out on the boardroom table, trading each other for their favourite flavours.

Munching on a yellow one, Gwen watched them all and laughed, thinking the scene before her looked much more like a group of children in primary school, then members of a secret organization.


At the end of the day, Jack opened a bottle of champagne and everyone sat around lazily, sipping it and listening to stories of Jack’s amusing-and sometimes slightly horrifying-Valentines Day exploits of the past.


It was a completely average Valentines Day, by Torchwood standards. Maybe even a bit boring, considering nothing had tried to blow up Cardiff or take any of them hostage, but that was just fine by Gwen.

The boring days were some of her favourites. It was nice to have the time to sit around and just be with these people whom she loved and know that soon-when the champagne and stories ran out, as they always eventually did-Rhys would be waiting for her at home.

Gwen really did love Valentines Day.

torchwood fics, holiday fics

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