May 05, 2005 13:56
) name- Stephen Turner
2) age- 16
3) sex- Male
4) status- Taken
5) 10 favorite bands- Bright Eyes, Taking Back Sunday, The Blood Brothers, Death Cab for Cutie, Interpol, Thursday, At the Drive-In, Motion City Soundtrack, Co&Ca, Modest Mouse
6) favorite song- "Transalantism" By: Death Cab for Cutie
7) 5 favorite movies- Breakfast at Tiffanys,
8) favorite book(s)- Catcher in the Rye,
9) favorite person- Audrey Hepburn
10) things you like to do/hobbies- Write lyrics, short stories, scripts, play music.
12)opinion on drugs/drinking- I drink.
13)opinion on homosexuality- It's whatever the person feels.
14)opinion on self mutilation- Do they ever have a good motive?
15)anything you are all for or all against- All agaisnt de-grading lyrics towards anybody
16)why do you want to be accepted-Idk you guys need more members? It's looks pretty cool
17)promote in at least two places-I'm not in any comm
18)pictures would be nice- Don't have a webcam/scanner