The most astounding thing ever has happened...

Oct 05, 2005 04:21

I have a job

Insane isn't it? I work for a promotion company. Yay. It has brought back any confidence I have lost. I am thinking of applying for another job as a bus boy or something. Probably at Macaroni Grill. Something that I can do in the mornings. I am so much more orgnaized than I was before. And I am finally starting to feel better about myself.

So, there are alot of concerts coming up for me. I will probably see lots of you soon. Those of you in Florida anyways. I've been going to more recently, seeing as I was slowing down for a while. I hope to pick up the pace soon, and be back to as many as I was going to before.

I noticed that people don't seem as happy as they used to be at shows. I noticed this the other night. But, the night before, everyone was having a great time, and it was amazing. I've also noticed that some people don't talk to me anymore at shows, or they act different when they are with other people. I've been getting alot of people ignoring me, just saying "hi" when I come up to them to say "hi" then walking off, and just people being mean in general. I don't know if i've done anything wrong, or if there is a reason people are being different to me, but, if I am being more of a jerk, I would like to know.

I do know that I have been doing a bad job at keeping in touch with just about everyone and their mother. (that actually applies to a couple people) So, if you read this, and I do know your mother, can you tell them I say "hi" I.E. (annie)

I wish I had a pic to put up. I only have one of a faux hawk that I had recently, but, I'm too lazy to fetch the code for it, so, I will do it another time.

Well, I'm off. I hope to be updating more, and hope to start catching up with everyone soon.


"The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for." - Maureen Dowd
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