Grrrrr Best Buy Grrrrr

Oct 18, 2005 02:12

I don't have enough energy to write all the $*#($* that has happened with Best Buy, so here's another convient, bullted list (well, 2 hypenated casue my keyboad doesn't have bullets)

-Applied to Best Buy 2 weeks ago.
-Called by Best Buy to pick out a new laptop, my old one would cost too much to repair
-5 hrs later I find one that's 500 bucks less than they were gonna give me for free yesterday (but I couldn't get it then cause I didn't have ID for the Best Buy Card)
- Add 2 more hours to get a new cell phone and switch to sprint, but that's all good
-Found out while at Best Buy my application was turned down cause I scored a "yellow yellow" on the personality quiz.
-Got another yellow yellow on the quiz. apparantly someone who has beein in public service as a lifeguard and hike ranger and been soley responsible for many people's LIVES isn't good enough to work at Best Buy
-Got another call from Best Buy today saying the regional repair service as deemed my camera was damaged by "impact" and isn't covered by the warrant, that'll be 260 bucks. Nevermind we repaired its broken LCD over winder break last year for free.
-Both Backwoods & Mountain High aren't hiring.
-My brand new laptop is doing that crazy thing where it randomly moves the cursor while I'm typing. Either it's me or someone on the Internet really hates me.
-Also, Best Buy didn't back up any of the correct data, but they're charging me 45 of the 90 bucks cause I popped in the cd and noticed none of the data was right. I lost all 5 GB of my summer pictures...all but like 6 pics I saved online.

that's it, I'm going to bed. this sucks
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