Dec 03, 2005 22:29
im kind of over this whole live journal i cant even remember the last time i wrote in this....well i told arielle i would write an entry just dedicated to my friends as she did so here it goes..LIZ!!! my loudest and most out there friend. the many things that annoy people about her i absolutly she makes me laugh like no one else and i admire how she truly doesnt care what anyone else thinks about her cause that is a quality i lack most of the time and its pretty raw that we can share all our ilove how she wears 10000 necklaces when she only needs one and i cherish and love our random "ipod dances" lol.. i honestly love this girl like a sister. Then there is lori, who i have known forever..too long, j/k..of all my friends she is the most different from me. she knows me inside and out and has never judged me. she has ALWAYS accepted me for who i am and has never made fun of my imperfections, i can tell her ANYTHING in trust and secresy, she is the one friend that homestly gives me so much confidence in myself and has always believed in me even when i didnt. arielle...we are NOTHING alike yet we go through so many of the same things. i know that if i ever need to talk to someone i can always go to her. she is one friend that i honestly never had trust in before but in the past couple months that has all not her best friend and she isnt mine(thats no secret) yet if i told her something in secrecy she wouldnt go tell her best friend and if she told me something in secrecy i wouldnt go tell mine. she is the only friend that i can honestly say that about...and i like that i can crack her up, it makes me feel good every once in a while,lol. bitchiest and rudest friend but for some reason i still love her. there is something about her that you just cant hate, and i honestly hate that i cant hate her lol. i budd heads with her more then any of my other friends but i honestly think that is in result of us being so much of the same person. we beacame soo close in such a short period of time even though we had many "things" working against us if you get what im saying. i can honestly say that when i first met her i absolutly HATED her and now i absolutly LOVE her!! To anyone who tries to call her a bitch i say "hey....only im aloud to call her that"lol and what! shes not afraid to speak her mind and if she doesnt like you well she'll flat out tell you and in a way i admire her for that. she's not the friend you laugh with and shes not the friend you can tell absolutly anything too, she is that friend that you just cant live without.oh and its totally raw how we laugh the ask anyone who knows us. last but definelty not fucken least there is lauren...(the other me) ive actually known her the longest of all my friends(sry 8 years ago i would have never guessed that me and lauren mcgovern would be so close. we are soooo much alike, sometimes it makes me sick. i love how she is soo easy going and i absolutly admire her for her friendliness. i dont know many people who hate this girl and if you do you have some serious issues. just thinking of her leaving me in a couple months makes me wanna cry...okay scratch that i am crying..she means soo much more to me then people think and although she sooooo stingy with her i still love her more then life. we OWN inside jokes, and until i met her, i never laughed so hard that i would start to cry..the more and more im around her the more im like her...i dont mind though, i think she has one of the best personalitys i know. although EVERYONE hates it, i love how she randomly calls me everytime a song comes on that reminds her of me, i love how she is discustingly obsessed with nani and how she loves showers as much as i do;)lol, but more then anything i love how i can talk to her for hours. im NEVER bored with her and i laugh more with her then any other friend...she makes me want to be a better person and i know that im just gonna die when she has to leave...i know this is a little early to be talking about it but but any amount of time will be too soon....:`( oh and i cant forget about my future slut...wait what do i mean j/k hey god gave her those huge boobs for a reason right? lol i had to end this entry on a good note...
P.S. a message to danielle...its possum bitch-a furry little animal that runs across the