Oct 30, 2003 07:17
Hello hello.
A feble update before I stumble back for some more sleep. Just two things to cover...
a/ Going to the Regatta (Towong/Indooroopilly) for 2 for 1 drinks this evening. If anyone is interested in coming we're meeting people there around 8pm. Outside (inside).... if you want to come, call me on my mobile #0439 0304 83
b/ Flatmate has moved out and we need someone else to move in. We're kinda out in the suburbs but are close to public transport (Which goes onto the busway...) and near shops etc. Again, if you're seriously interested (and you think you could live with me... :p) call me on my mobile.
For now, I'm going back to bed cos I'm all sneezy and stuff. Later aligators!
ps: I hope you're all well!