let me tell you, christmas break sucks so much. thank god for hurricane ivan, or else i'd be stuck in this hell hole for a month+.
fortunately, i've been keeping myself extremely busy for the past few days, and have lots of plans for the upcoming week that should help this transient period zip on by. i spent the night with my old friend audra monday and tuesday night, which was alot of fun. i got all of my christmas shopping done, had nails put on AND a pedicure (yes, no kidding) bought a vince guaraldi cd for myself, and went ice skating at the rink they built downtown. if you haven't been, don't go. it was horrible. the rink is incredibly small, and there isn't a limit of how many people can be on the ice at a time. so, cram about 50 floridians (including obnoxious toddlers and the occasional pretentious nancy kerrigan attempting to do three consecutive triple toe-loops over a pile of fallen bodies) who know absolutely nothing about ice skating into this little space, and you've got yourself a lawsuit waiting to happen. i seriously thought i was going to die.
well, i got my grades. i was very pleased.
western survey: A
french: B
mads: A (duh..)
music experience: A
stats: C+
hot stuff gave me an A in western survey..i really did deserve it, but i know i missed more than 3 classes, which means he took off two or three points. so, according to my calculations, with my prior two test grades minus 3 points off the final average..i would have had to make a 97 to get a 95 in the class. hot damn.
i seriously thought after handing in that stats exam i hadn't seen the last of old morris marx. i really don't know how i got a C in there...i guess he just really felt bad for me or something.
jon and i will be hitting up various dumps and sewers next week to take pictures and have adventures. there will be a website up within a month; ill post the link alongside our other site.
i made plans to visit jeremy in pensacola today, but extenuating circumstances prevented me from doing so. i couldn't get up with him because he has no cell phone; he ended up waiting on me to show up for an hour before he called, asking if i was almost there. i was incredibly sad that it didn't work out; even moreso that he sat and waited on me for so long, only for me not to show up. i miss him so very much..i really hope i can make it out there monday.. :(
Name: taylor
Birth date: 28 january 1985
Birthplace: f-dub
Current Location: f-dub/pensacola
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'5
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: aquarius
Your heritage: eurotrash
The shoes you wore today: sandals
Your weakness: jeremy
Your fears: failure, being alone
Your perfect pizza: pepperoni
Goal you'd like to achieve: get my PhD and live in NYC..haha
Your most overused phrase on AIM: lol
Your first waking thoughts: fuck this, im goin back to sleep
Your best physical feature: eyes
Your most missed memory: kyla, sarah, nikki and i
Pepsi or Coke: neither
McDonald's or Burger King: eh
Single or group dates: preferably single
Adidas or Nike: uh
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton instant tea is soooooo awesome
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: both
Smoke: cloves, on occasion
Cuss: are you kidding?
Sing: yep.
Take a shower everyday: yeah
Do you think you've been in love: yes
Want to go to college: yes. i want to go back RIGHT NOW!!!!!!
Liked high school: it was okay.
Want to get married: yeah
Believe in yourself: generally..i'm insecure; but then again so is everyone else to an extent.
Get motion sickness: not really
Think you're attractive: i'm ok.
Think you're a health freak: haha
Play an instrument: piano. used to be a band nerd, but that doesn't count anymore.
LAYER SIX: In the past month...
Drank alcohol: of course.
Done a drug: pot.
Made Out: yes
Gone on a date: yes
Gone to the mall?: unfortunately
Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: nope
Eaten sushi: yea
Been on stage: yep
Been dumped: nope
Gone skating: yea; ice skating..haha that was such a joke.
Made homemade cookies: yes indeed
Gone skinny dipping: no
Dyed your hair: no
Stolen Anything: chicken poppers from wal mart
Played a game that required removal of clothing: yea
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: oh yes
Been caught "doing something": nope
Been called a tease: nope
Gotten beaten up: no
Shoplifted: nope
Changed who you were to fit in: yea
Age you hope to be married: before 30, god willing.
Numbers and Names of Children: 1-2 kids; elizabeth and my husbands name for a boy.
Describe your Dream Wedding: one without too many complications.
How do you want to die: in my sleep
Number of drugs taken illegally: 3
Number of people I could trust with my life: 1
Number of CDs that I own: hundreds
Number of piercings: 2
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: a few times
Number of scars on my body: many
Number of things in my past that I regret: 1